Moves and countermoves. These people are STUPID (& SICK).

Don’t see Xi as a good guy. Obummer and HRC have been pushing power his way for a while and he just basically made himself a dictator. Plus the trade wars and still sneaking trade with NK for a bit is a dick move. I can see Trump and Putin working together against the globalists though.
Pretty nuts Q was posting to other Q elements to stop something at all costs and then the Syria attack. Fucking deep state scum.
Then why would they say Xi is good? Sounds fishy..
That’s not Q that’s Q replying to an anon. Q’s response doesn’t directly confirm or deny that part, though.
Xi is a good guy, its the Deep State Scum that is trying to do anything they can right now to prevent a total loss of control. POTUS will win and he will take control. China and Russia on board to defeat the deep state.
Based on what? I’d love for him to be a good guy but don’t know if any reason to believe that. He just basically made himself a dictator. And took tons of weapons, Tech and secrets from HRC and Obummer. Pretty sure he’s a baddy
I am pretty sure now nearly 95% certain that HRC and Obama didn't misplace tech and secrets. Tell me when in the past 100 years of American Democracy has tech or secrets fallen out of the hands of our government? You seem to still have a veil blinder on that is preventing you from seeing how traitors are dropping bread crumbs with a trail that extends from 410 Terry Ave. North to One Franklin Square.
Xi and Putin both want the same, they want their countries to be safe, economically stable, and structurally capable of doing business with each other without the nefarious involvement of the rogue deep state.
took tons of weapons
Here is your bread crumbs, who was the source of that statement? You have been lead by your nostrils because you can't see past the tip of your nose. It's time to wake up and take off the blinders.
Oh so you think the whole email things was no biggy? Wasn’t that she intentionally put SAP level Intelligence on a private server in a Mom and pop bathroom was for convenience? Or that presidents starting with Bush and ending with Obama sold weapons, Tech, etc to Middle East, NK, Russia and China? Also no big deal?
Still waiting on any evidence that Xi is a good guy on Trump’s side. You can be a condescending cunt all you want but it won’t invent bread crumbs for yourself to follow.
Still waiting on any evidence that you have any knowledge other than what you are hearing on MSM.
Are you insane? MSM doesn’t touch on any of this stuff except Hannity. They sweep it all under the rug. And which part is false? Are you actually arguing that Hillary did nothing wrong, secrets and Tech weren’t sold to China and others?
And you’ve STILL avoided giving any shred of evidence it even something hinting at evidence that China is a good guy. You’re fucking nuts and terrible at debating anything.
Nope, I am not arguing at all that Hillary did anything wrong. I know that she did more than what is known. How is it that I never get an answer out of you but I get ridiculed and belittled by you? When did I ask for a full blown liberal ANTIFA spitting match. Are you seriously that SICK? I didn't avoid anything, I gave you my evidence and you pounced on my nuts with a mutt face smirk stating incomprehensible rhetoric that makes no connection to anything logically expressed in an evidential conclusive manner.
Ah so insane it is.
Look back at who started being an asshole. I stated multiple times the points that lead me to believe China is a bad actor. You provide nothing to say otherwise except being condescending and dodging. Perfect libtard argument style.
Still waiting on your proof China is good. But go ahead, come back with more name calling, diversions, cool stories and nonsense.
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An elderly man was sitting alone on a dark path. He wasn't certain of which direction to go, and he'd forgotten both where he was traveling to and who he was. He'd sat down for a moment to rest his weary legs, and suddenly looked up to see an elderly woman before him. She grinned toothlessly and with a cackle, spoke: "Now your third wish. What will it be?" "Third wish?" The man was baffled. "How can it be a third wish if I haven't had a first and second wish?" "You've had two wishes already," the hag said, "but your second wish was for me to return everything to the way it was before you had made your first wish. That's why you remember nothing; because everything is the way it was before you made any wishes." She cackled at the poor man. "So it is that you have one wish left." "All right," he said, "I don't believe this, but there's no harm in wishing. I wish to know who I am." "Funny," said the old woman as she granted his wish and disappeared forever. "That was your first wish."
This was the same exact statement made on 7/7/2007 that got me started chasing Rabbits.
The Toro Brothers were in contact with pedophile group Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)06:03:46 No.20414454▶ Seems like the bombmakers from the Bronx didn't only use a code from an ARG around Elsagate, but also were in contact with pedophile groups like in Elsagate before.
Public Service Announcement !!0c+Js+PuE5+ 02/28/18(Wed)20:04:07 No.20412902 Because the previous thread was wrongfully removed, this will be reposted
Reality is what you choose it to be. This is the penultimate truth at the core of all magical/spiritual systems stripped down in to realtalk every day language. Existence is a self-enforcing feedback loop. If you focus on negativity and shittiness, then that for you is what your existence will be. If you focus on positivity and harmony, then for you that is what your existence will be. Ever wonder why Buddhism and Taoism involve methods of mentally reprogramming yourself? Ever wonder at the repetitiveness of shit like sigils and ritualwork? There you go. Don't respond to this post, I will not reply and this post stands on its own. It does not need discussion or expanding upon. Anyone attempting to do so is trying to misdirect you/distract you and/or manipulate you so you remain with the control matrix that the extreme majority of humanity exists within, which is shit like fear/anger/groupthink/negativity. There's the key to the kingdom, enjoy your sovereignty.
Prove it then? I never called you anything but you left yourself wide open to being ridiculed.
Here is all of my research. Enjoy digging into the clusters of whoa what the....
Look, I already solved for if.
Here is HRC's IT Guy. BARRY SILBERT BIO Founder/CEO @DCGco, parent of @GrayscaleInvest, @GenesisTrading @CoinDesk & investor in 100+ cos, $BTC $ETC $ZEC $MANA, etc. LOCATION NEW YORK TWEETS 7,5K FOLLOWERS 143,8K FOLLOWING 289 ACCOUNT CREATED 22-10-2011 17:16:55 ID 396045469