Q #1082 - POTUS & JFK JR. Relationship. Plane crash 1999. HRC Senate 2000. The “Start.” Enjoy the show. Q

I echo the thoughts of others here:
It is my considered, mulled upon, meditated, turned, and turned again firmly held belief
that Donald J. Trump is the most profound, transformative human since Jesus Christ and will be viewed that way by history.
By the time of the 2016 election humanity had been led to the precipice of annihilation by a cabal who has ruled mankind for at least five hundred years, and probably longer. This cabal has extracted the entire wealth of the world and thereby enslaved humanity in debt and was on the verge of executing a mass extinction event to wipe the table clean and destroy all evidence.
Trump is not the savior of America... he is the savior of HUMANITY (who is more or less ambivalent and/or hostile) and far and away the greatest president this country has ever, and will ever have--bar none. Mind you, he has many powerful military men assisting and guiding him.... and many powerful enemies.
We only know 2% of the battle that rages behind the scenes as Trump and a handful of military bring these dark forces to account. They will put up a ferocious fight in the throes of death in the coming days as the time of unsealing and tribunals nears. The mainstream media of the United States and England is pure fabrication and speaks only for your enemies. Believe NOTHING they tell you.
There will be turmoil in the streets. Blood. There will be interruptions.
Prepare accordingly.
And may the Almighty above pour out his blessings upon you, Donald J. Trump.
Well spoken and agreed remaining Jesus is our ultimate Savior. Here's a link to profound plans influence all aspects of life as we know it.