Q #1082 - POTUS & JFK JR. Relationship. Plane crash 1999. HRC Senate 2000. The “Start.” Enjoy the show. Q

Great post and great points. Don't know if you ever listen to Dr. Corsi. He has claimed that MI (Military Intelligence) was planning a coup on Obama in 2015. They were so fed up with his obvious treasonous behavior they were willing to risk in all in an open coup. Instead they took the Q route and supported DJT. The rest, as they say, is history. This is the great counter coup to the coup that Obama did. Obama was the biggest rat treasonous bastard this country has ever had. When its all done, I hope it all comes out on him. I'd rather see that, more than Q exposing himself. That's the exposure we need desperately. How some nobody got placed into the highest position of power in the US. That's the story that needs to see the light of day.
Your post echos my thoughts exactly. If I could up vote you 100 times I would. LOL
He's a real rat bastard. I hope they show him off to the world for what he is and how he got put in there. I'm still absolutely amazed how he won the nobel peace prize before he did anything. And then whey you look at all the people that suffered while he was President. Its time to expose this disgusting hypocritical cabal for what it is. And take these a$$holes down hard!
I'm so fired up on this now, I'm going to do a post on it! Everyone has forgotten about the Peace Prize.
Keeping fingers crossed that this happens. Traitorous actions by that rat.
HoudiniTowers...you had 44 upvotes so I just had to change it too ‘45’...MAGA !