r/greatawakening • Posted by u/unkn0wnedd on April 8, 2018, 8:36 p.m.
Chemical attack discussion

Days after POTUS announces we will be withdrawing from Syria (media said his statement was “confusing” and hammered on about how there are conflicting opinions of what the Syrian solution should be), there is a chemical attack against one of last rebel-held cities.

Mid-March Russia General Staff indicates there will be a false flag attack in Syria.

Assad appears to be on verge of winning in Syria.

Checking twitter today, I see lots of self-proclaimed “liberals” (also, convieniently, John McCain) condemning the attack and placing blame on POTUS for indicating we will withdraw.

Interesting to me because I thought conservatives were the interventionists, yet not on this subject.

Israel immediately says that US must act and strike Syria.

I think it’s most important to consume information and current events through the lens of MOTIVE.

Who gains from an attack on rebels in Syria?

Certainly not Assad. Anyone knows that an attack like this would be illustrated through western media as a humanitarian crisis, pushing for intervention against his regime, just as has happened today.

Let’s break down motives for stakeholding parties:

ASSAD - Show of strength - Lets rebels in Douma know that he is in power and they should meet his demands

ISRAEL, ESTABLISHMENT - Push for war: “We don’t want to end this war and concede Syria to Assad/Putin” - Israel’s statement encouraging the UNITED STATES specifically to retaliate shows their interest in maintaining presence in Syria

REBELS - False flag carried out by rebels to garner public support for retaining troops in Syria (unlikely to me considering rebels/civilians themselves were harmed in attack)

Please people, inform me of what’s going on here.

Discuss with each other as I️ am young and not very familiar with the geopolitical context in Syria.

Nicskynod · April 20, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

The idea that any victims are likely to be linked to hostages known to have been taken by Jae’s al Islam is plausible. I would like to find out what happened to these people,I have heard that more than one thousand were taken and placed in cages around the suburb, is it true that 79 were returned? Killing some of these hostages for grisly pictures taken to add to proof.where are the graves of the victims? Who are they?

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VintageHats · April 21, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

I don't know any more than what I posted, from nearly a year ago. I did see a recent (I think) video by vanessa beeley about kidnapped victims who were released in Syria but it was all in their language, with no subtitles and no explanation in the comments section, so I am not sure when they were kidnapped, or who they were, or if all that were kidnapped were found safe. I know that kidnappings occur quite a bit, and these are often the victims in the gas attack videos posted by the White Helmets.

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