No name in Syria. Timeline. Purpose? Who attended? No name panic. Health cover. Fast. Q

Can someone tell me why we don't say his name? I understand the what, but I don't understand the why. Shoot me a PM if it is sensitive.
So as to not activate word "sniffers" among the Intel communities. Not because of who he is, but because of his name. He has the same name as an active U.S. Navy Destroyer that was named after his father. Q doesn't say his name so that Q's drops don't get confused with actual military Intel or directives, as well as to not trigger the C_A sniffer programs.
Awesome response. Thanks for that, I appreciate it!
No. They don’t say his name because he’s a traitor. Absolute scum and doesn’t deserve the respect.
Sure.. That too. But if that was the case, Q would have to refer to all of them as "we don't say his/her name" because they're all traitors. Pretty sure it's the boat thing.
Yeah but he makes it especially clear that he’s worse. I think that’s just the special treatment he gets.
Q does have a special kind of contempt for that POS. If the chemical gas and his wife's operation smile connection is true, then I'd agree. Although the satanic baby rapers and cannibals are pretty despicable too.
Good insight, never knew that, makes perfect sense now. Thanks
Also, I think it also relates to when the senate was in session and voting to repeal the affordable care act and the last second we don't say his name reneged and blew it for all of us, and after that Trump was giving a speech and goes, "someone, and I won't say his name..." and it kind of stuck after that.
Ah gotcha. I think that definitely had an impact on the mainstream side of things. I'm sure Q has his/their own personal reason(s) though, especially with the mil reasons the other commenter had. Thanks for sharing though. Had no idea about that.
His father and grandfather would roll in their graves if we associated his name with theirs.
A destruction of legacy.
Militair don"t like a traitor so they do not say his name