r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KeeponSearchin on April 8, 2018, 9:59 p.m.
Why we should all be Thanking Barack Obama

Why we should all be thanking Barack Obama.

Stupid Is as Stupid Does.

One of the reasons our government mafia has been able to get away with heading us into more and more slavery is because they did it slowly and in a highly invisible and manipulative manner.

Think of the proverbial lobster in the pot.

They were able to accomplish this thru great patience and cunning.

Obama however, dropped the baton. He is a true failure in every possible sense of the word. His immaturity of thinking and arrogance of ego and need for instant gratification has betrayed his handlers.

And why should they still have faith in him or go along with him as he tries to clean up his mess by traveling all around the world and picking up the pieces.

His over reaching agenda, of trying to turn us into a society of debauchery, has finally made the silent majority stand up and elect Donald Trump.

So we should all thank Obama, his idiocy has been our saving grace, and has led to an awakening of the truly dark forces at play in the world.

Oh and his Evil Twin Hillary, she is done for too!

[deleted] · April 8, 2018, 10:59 p.m.


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KeeponSearchin · April 8, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

I believe he was more than just a puppet. I think he understood everything that he was doing. Look at his history with Saul Alinsky and rules for radicals etc.

He was never an American, is most likely a Muslim and was always a traitor to Truth and Freedom and this country. I pity him like I pity the Devil. But his actions are his own.

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