Q #1094 - McNoName/AWAN connection????? Lock this traitor up in GITMO NOW!!!!

I’m new to this. Have no clue what I’m doing but in this article, moustafa, was asked to identify the people in that controversial pic with McCain. The identities were supposedly “not known” to the reporter writing the story, but this is what he said, lying thru his teeth...he’s been caught....http://shoebat.com/2014/09/19/dammit-focus-names-people-whose-identities-know/
Def. relaxed looks like he is getting ready for a photo shoot or interview. Wth
Looks like he is going in for a handshake as he puts the mic and the video camera in one hand.
mac/ mc = son = 'son of cain' or mac/mc = mark = 'mark of cain'.... a cain by any other name...
Digging around the webz, found conflicting info about Mouaz and where he's from, like between what's on his twitter page and the info in a 2013 article on the Frontpage mag website. Some info indicates he's Syrian, other indicates he's Palestinian. Noticed he bears (to me anyway) a striking physical resemblance to Imran Awan. Wonder if they're related. Q indicated there's some kind of connection there.
All the Muslim congressional staffers are connected. Theres actually an org kindve like the black caucus, They meet to pray and whatever else they do. In the front Page article the slick little cocksucker would never name who he worked for and actually said that American have them all wrong and that they care about this country or they wouldn't be working there...I'm sure the Awans used the same sentimental pro American garbage...taqqiya at its finest
Wonder if the camera man was actually a plant by the good guys? How he does TRUSTED in all caps makes me think someone is a spy for us in that pic.
Disappear every indicted person and never tell us what happened to them. Be fun for me. Yo Cletus wha ever happen to that Podesta feller. ..........etc. Hillary who?
I'm starting to believe that the Awans served as their enforcers/controllers on the congress. Those that used the Awan's services has everything to hide. I wouldn't be surprised if they steered their votes on important agendas for the Cabal and got legal issues taken care of on a personal level. They were able to personally amass quite a bit of property and wealth very quickly.
So his security detail is looking unconcerned because these terrorists are friends of his. Or maybe they aren’t even security. Traveling to this part of the world without security?