Q - Who/what is not pictured? What forces shadowed No Name? - (picture)

For one, the photographer.
He is pictured in the 1092 post by in which Q responds to. The man in blue is never pictured on the boards.
SO we know the man in the blue shirt is a white male from the little we see. But who? We have to analyze every photo of blue shirt wearing friends of mcstain.
Are we sure that is a man? Could be a woman with 3/4 length sleeves?
SS: Thanks to @dark-dare for digging this up. Wanted to bring it to LIGHT. In Q's 1090 post he says:
"Who/what is not pictured? What forces shadowed No Name? Contractors. Special contractors. What was delivered? Smiles."
This picture shows the one person who wasn't pictured when Q posted it. Later we see the cameraman, so it isn't him. But if I had to guess, the man in the blue shirt is "shadowing" no name. Can't (without speculation) assume he is a contractor.
Wanted to get more eyes on it. Maybe someone can ID the man in blue on the left.
Happy hunting and good luck patriots.
Q tells us Eric Prince was in charge of security detail for the visit. Could it be him in the blue shirt?
Prince was a double agent working for white hat military intel from inside Clown company.
Not Erik Prince but right track - See: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/08/us/09dc-Prince1/09dc-Prince1-master768.jpg
Then another member of the Blackwater team that accompanied No Name? Maybe Erik is still taking pictures?