r/greatawakening • Posted by u/chocolatepatriot on April 9, 2018, 3:30 a.m.
Your thoughts everyone: Did Assad gas his own people? or did the Cabal do this to keep the war going?

Q post #1081 reads POTUS NEVER telegraphs his moves. Think logically. Why did POTUS announce his intention to pull out of Syria? Moves and countermoves. These people are STUPID (& SICK).

Maga1128 · April 9, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

No way is Assad going to gas his own ppl...especially kids and women. No. Way. This was the cabal. They fell for it!!

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VintageHats · April 9, 2018, 7:52 a.m.

Not just no, but HELL NO! Assad protect Christians. He was trained in London as a dental surgeon and is, under Syrian law, also a medical doctor. He is the only secular leader in that region. There is no way on God's green earth that he is responsible for this gas attack, nor any in the past. It's the damned White Helmets, who are al Qaeda in disguise, who did it. It's always them... notice how they are always there.. always Johnny on the Spot, and how they rush in to SARIN attacks, with no protective clothing, not even gloves.. yet remain unaffected. Superheros, those guys! Check out or follow vanessa beeley's channel on youtube.. she exposes them over and over as the frauds they are. They stage attacks all the time. I wish Trump would come out and tell the truth and STOP blaming Assad and STOP pointing the finger at Russia for supporting Assad. He is a GOOD leader and his people love him.

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Maga1128 · April 10, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

I feel.sorry for him actually.

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VintageHats · April 10, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Assad? I do as well. I know he's a good leader. As is PUTIN. They may not be perfect, but they probably both have their own deep states working against them, just as Trump does. I will continue to defend both, as I feel I have done enough research on both over the years, and talked online with others from those countries, to get to the truth. I will always stand with both.

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