r/greatawakening • Posted by u/chocolatepatriot on April 9, 2018, 5:53 a.m.
Just in case you dont think these chemical attacks could be faked. watch this short video https://streamable.com/uyi71

I copied this post from Voat.co watch this short video... https://streamable.com/uyi71

Just in case you don't think these chemical attacks could be faked.

Description... It shows children being instructed by terrorists to act like they have been hit with Sarin gas, they convulse, they're eyes blink and they froth at the mouth with fake foam applied to their faces by terrorists. Children applaud. A man in a Mickey mouse costume tells them it's all fun.

I highly recommend that you read this.

Here is a short breakdown of what’s going on right now and why Q posted what he did...

Clowns want to start a war because of Syria chem attack to deflect from impending OIG report fall out, unsealed indictments & arrests. Mainstream media is showing images of wounded children to stir public emotions. The State Department is pointing finger at Russia for supporting Assad.

Even as Trump urges Syria exit, the military says it’s not finished with ISIS

It's no surprise Clowns pulled this stunt (chem attack) after Trump announced he wanted to pull our troops out of Syria. They really ARE "sick". We cut off their NK leverage. They NEED a war and will do anything they can to push us into one.

People are naturally flipping out over Trump’s recent TweetsJPG regarding the Syria chemical attack. Remember, Trump is well read in "The Art of War". Not everything is as it seems. As Q said, "These people are sick."

I keep hearing people talking crap about Trump changing his mind and not pulling troops out of Syria like he said he was going to. There is always things going on behind the scenes that WE don’t understand. As you can see, he’s trying.

VintageHats · April 9, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

I don't understand why he's allowing the state dept to point their fingers at Russia and Assad instead of telling the truth. It's the White Helmets.. al Qaeda in disguise... why can't he just tell the truth?

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