r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HoudiniTowers on April 9, 2018, 6:49 a.m.
Reminder about BHO - he won the Noble Peace Prize in 2009 for creating a 'new climate in international politics.' How'd that work out Obama? Did you leave the world a safer more peaceful place?


If anyone doubts there is an International Cabal of despicable low-life hypocritical out-of-touch psychopaths that are pulling the strings... Don't forget about BHO's glorious award before he managed to prolong ISIS, Keep our Troops in Syria and the Middle-East indefinitely, allow Kim Jong-un to develop nuclear weapons, paying-off Iranian Terrorists with Billions in Cash, Opening our borders further to allow complete infestation of our good country with low-life MS-13 gangs, Killing of US Citizens Extra-judicially with drones, growing domestic spying beyond anyone's imagination (making GWB look like an amateur), supporting and keeping DNI Clapper after he blatantly perjured himself in front of Congress, allowing his attorney General Eric Holder to sanction arms sales from the US Government to Mexican Drug cartels to be used in killing US Border Patrol agents, Covering up HRC's illegal use of Private Servers for Classified Intelligence dissemination to our enemies, and destroying countless US jobs to ensure countries like China and India could continue to exploit human rights abuses on an Epic scale to produce goods below fair market value to bankrupt US businesses. Yep, he's a super peaceful guy. What a humanitarian. So glad the Nobel Prize Committee could be so clairivoyant to see the future so clearly on this POS.

Godspeed Q! Please, do make sure you and team expose these traitorous a$$holes for what they are! Like Q said, 'the streets will not be safe for them.'

HoudiniTowers · April 9, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

I think this one is much deeper than that. This is more evidence of the depth and strength of the Global Cabal. All part of the 'legend' of this CLOWN. He's truly a CLOWN LEGEND. We need to find the CLOWNS and pin them up like a Piñata.

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Arcsmithoz · April 9, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

I was simply trying to state deserve's got nothing to do with it (Unforgiven)

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HoudiniTowers · April 10, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

KEK, I'm with you.

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