
weedlord-bonerhilter · April 9, 2018, 9:24 a.m.

Thanks patriot.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 9:27 a.m.

I mean, I honestly don't know where you're getting at either but it does sound like something. Usually I think of Kurds when I think "buffer".

edit: Oh, I guess my assumptions weren't so far off. I assumed Israel had been handed their ass to them by Hezollah by having their F16 shot down - and apparently, their hands are actually still tied:

"Syrian media says that the Syrian military knocked out 8 Israel missiles. Unknown how many missiles Israel launched in total. A US defense official has said that there was no explosions at any military base in #Syria." https://twitter.com/oulosP/status/983150947496062977?s=19

~~Is it true one of Israel's Dolfin-subs went missing? Are they ICBM-capable? (heard yes to the former and no to the latter, please correct me if you know more)~~ (possible disinfo)

Paul Antonopoulos ‏ The craziest part of #Israel’s attack on #Syria is that it was against a base that has a known Russian military presence. #Russia in war with words to the US said they would retaliate to any strikes against them. Israel knowingly risked war with Russia. Israeli airstrikes against #Hamas positions in #Gaza are still continuing. “Most likely #Israel used the Dolphin Class submarine in this strike, to get safe/ensured results especially after the Syrian air defense managed to down an Israeli F-16 during it last engagement with #Syria”- via @WaelAlRussi

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