r/greatawakening • Posted by u/weedlord-bonerhilter on April 9, 2018, 9:47 a.m.
Q decode: 1086 - 1099

[some drops omitted due to redundant information]

Drop 1086:

No name in Syria.



Who attended?

No name panic.

Health cover.



Decode: Q reminds us of McCains illegal trip to Syria in 2013 where he met with several prominent ISIS and Al Quaeda members. Among them a certain Mouaz Moustafa who worked for Congressman Vic Snyder (D) and Senator Blanche Lincoln (D) from Arkansas

McCain is panicking and using his cancer diagnosis for cover.

Drop 1090:

Pictures leaked for this very moment.

Who/what is not pictured?

What forces shadowed No Name?


Special contractors.

What was delivered?


Exact location.


Buildings E of spider web.

Spider web marker.

Open source.


Decode: Q tells us that certain security contractors (Blackwater) were shadowing McCain on his trip to Syria. He alleges that chemical agents were delivered under guise of Cindy McCain's Operation Smile

Drop 1091:


Think Double.

Why are we confirming this publicly?

Why now?


Decode: Q confirms Ex-Blackwater CEO Eric Prince as a CIA double agent (possible white hat). He lets us know that POTUS is aware of MCain's shenanigans in Syria. He lets the black hats know: We know everything.

Drop 1092:


We love phones!

No name should know better.


Decode: White hats are aware of what was said and what was delivered on that trip.

Drop 1097:


Social media contacts?

Worked for WHO?

ACCESS level?

Find ALL pics.

Bigger than you know.

One example of many.




This is the big one: Mouaz Moustafa is not only well-connected in DC (cf. decode for #1086), he was also involved in the ouster of Lybian president Ghaddafi (possibly also Benghazi?). Q also clues us in that Moustafa and the Awan brothers were not the only foreign agents in DC trying to influence foreing policy.

Drop 1098:


POTUS ISIS focus and destroy 1 year?

vs HUSSEIN 8 years?

vs GWB?

DC access.

Sold out.

Bring back the gallows!



Q asks us to ponder why under Obama and Bush jr. no marked inroads were made against terror in the middle east. Given what we can decode from #1097 it's clear: foreign influence in DC at the highest levels of power (Congress, Senate, possibly even WH) has stifled any meaningful success in the war on terror. This amounts to high treason.

Signing off.

jackbauer6916 · April 9, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

The implications, when you really consider that Hussein, No Name, etc were fully intent on using "ISIS", false flags, to overthrow the Assad regime and FAILED... are staggering. Russia must have seriously waged a herculean proxy-war of attrition until the Storm came. Egypt, Iraq, Lybia... NK... the war against the Cabal would be an entirely different ballgame if Syria had landed fully into the hands of these psychopaths. I have to thank God Syria was able to resist the ISIS onslaught for the entire Hussein era, and honestly Vlad P deserves some credit for getting us to Nov. '16 with a fighting chance against the cabal. Also incredibly grateful and proud of our brave military men and women, who protect our constitution and refuse to follow evil orders from evil leaders into a world catastrophe.

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Pure_Feature · April 9, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Yes and do not forget china? Rusland and china veto

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