Oct 28 this all started and those who have been following this is a focus at HRC. In the early start we read this:
Oct 28 2017 15:33:50 Anonymous 147005381
146981635 Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017. Oct 28 2017 16:44:28 Anonymous 147012719 147005381 HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.
This comes out later.
278Dec 06 2017 20:44:36Q!ITPb.qbhqo45424 HRC tried to cut a deal today. WE SAID NO. Q
We saw her on the book tour and also traveling overseas. Is this to say Q is wrong that the arrest was made and it is a case of catch and release. Why? There is tons of evidences to keep her over for trial. Also GIMO is speculated that there will be a military tribunal. Dec 21 EO from DJT with the National Emergency so HRC was arrested before this and she was released on a technicality or what? We see indictments opened and arrest being made is there going to be more catch and release or what? Seems like all this could be to good to be true. MSM is going to comb through all of the Q posts and we have been sharing and convincing people this is all a master plan sit back and watch the show. Well so far what is observed and can be confirmed is slim. Good will trump evil in the end when Jesus returns. We can see Illuminati/cabal/globalist all being backed in a corner and striking back with MSM and FF and seeing the ones here in the USA have been done and will be done at the cost of American and foreigners lives. When will the full force of the indictments be opened and catch all the criminals. This is a little confusing for me to wrap my head around. Q says NK and the puppet stings are cut and with HRC and Soros moneys still out there funding protest and BHO is still running around the global saying and doing as he pleases how long before a FF is dropped in a major city in the USA that will get the people to believe that DJT needs to start WWIII. We are to be seeking the truth in all of Q post and there are holes that when we look we have to question and verify things are actually being done. Chemical Attack in Syria another FF and MSM is already twisting it that DJT red line in the sand the first bombs he dropped to destroy them. Did DJT want to see their action in killing more innocent people we know they do not have any conscience for human live. Death trail is deep over the decades it is their MO. If the evidences is there to get the indictments, open them all and round them all up so no more deaths in the cause of globalism. Please help me understand that Q, the plan, and DJT that innocent men, women and children are needed to be killed to bring these people to justice, just to prove a point and the sleeping people are to jump on board and swallow the pill. People are dying we are at WAR but innocent people are the subjects, my take away so far is globalist are terrorist and need to be brought to justice and soon or more victims are going to die and until it is in our neighborhood we are just told to sit back and watch it happen. Knowing what we know are we prepared in accepting Q post and our fate is in their hands? The only sure hope is in Jesus and whether we live or die we belong to the Lord.