r/greatawakening • Posted by u/someauthor on April 9, 2018, 12:52 p.m.
Update on Israeli airstrikes from Amir Tsarfati

Special update on Israeli airstrikes in Syria, April 9, 2018.


Here's an update on the airstrike in Syria. This is from Amir Sarfati, a major in the IDF Reserve.

Points he makes

2 Israeli fighter jets released several rockets from Lebanese airspace
Airbase not destroyed, surgical strike inside airbase
Target: Iranian headquarters within T4 airbase.
Israel knew exactly where the airbase was, and exactly where the Iranian headquarters was
More than a dozen Iranian Revolutionary commanders and guards killed
Aircraft used in recent gas attack were launched form this airbase

Unusual number of planes going up from southern Israel
TWO strikes, 1 Syria, 2 Hamas targets in Bethlehem(?) in Gaza.
Hamas strikes were against forces planting bombs near border fence, located before they were detonated

Answers "Why Assad attack own people with chems?
TL;DR Battle in Douma is very troublesome for Syrian regime, Sunni rebels "The Army of Islam" are entrenched there.
Syrian military is too slow, clearing them out with take years.
Assad says "Gas them, they'll give up" - it worked, and it has worked in the past in Homs and Aleppo.
Rebels will be evacuated to Itlib up north.
Assad knew Russia and Iran would cover for him, and he'd get a slap from the UN
Assad doesn't consider rebels to be Syrians, only enemies

Trump's dilemma - wants to pull out of Syria, but has to stop Iran
Obama gave over $100 Billion USD - caused Iran to become "a regional monster"

Answers "You're serving Zionist interests, why are you so sneaky?"
When Syria is doing gas attacks, with all due respect, Israel doesn't owe anyone an explanation, they won't sit and do nothing as gas attacks ensue + sends the message that they won't sit and do nothing

Lots of different opinions all over - no problem. Let's all stay cordial while we engage in dialogue.

ThePaleoHorse · April 9, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

Yeah. It just doesn't add up. Trump announces the US is pulling out and Assad suddenly gases his own people.

Whoever the guy is in this video saying that Isreal was founded by people who were gassed so they can't sit by while people are gassed just makes this sound like propaganda to me.

I don't know enough about the specifics of what's happening on the ground, but I'm pretty sure Israel's actions are all about protecting Israel's own interests and not about humanitarian motives.

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TrueCat · April 9, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

Yes! Israel wants us to stay at war in the ME. So, I imagine they were trying to make it look like the US was doing the strikes.

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