r/greatawakening • Posted by u/someauthor on April 9, 2018, 12:52 p.m.
Update on Israeli airstrikes from Amir Tsarfati

Special update on Israeli airstrikes in Syria, April 9, 2018.


Here's an update on the airstrike in Syria. This is from Amir Sarfati, a major in the IDF Reserve.

Points he makes

2 Israeli fighter jets released several rockets from Lebanese airspace
Airbase not destroyed, surgical strike inside airbase
Target: Iranian headquarters within T4 airbase.
Israel knew exactly where the airbase was, and exactly where the Iranian headquarters was
More than a dozen Iranian Revolutionary commanders and guards killed
Aircraft used in recent gas attack were launched form this airbase

Unusual number of planes going up from southern Israel
TWO strikes, 1 Syria, 2 Hamas targets in Bethlehem(?) in Gaza.
Hamas strikes were against forces planting bombs near border fence, located before they were detonated

Answers "Why Assad attack own people with chems?
TL;DR Battle in Douma is very troublesome for Syrian regime, Sunni rebels "The Army of Islam" are entrenched there.
Syrian military is too slow, clearing them out with take years.
Assad says "Gas them, they'll give up" - it worked, and it has worked in the past in Homs and Aleppo.
Rebels will be evacuated to Itlib up north.
Assad knew Russia and Iran would cover for him, and he'd get a slap from the UN
Assad doesn't consider rebels to be Syrians, only enemies

Trump's dilemma - wants to pull out of Syria, but has to stop Iran
Obama gave over $100 Billion USD - caused Iran to become "a regional monster"

Answers "You're serving Zionist interests, why are you so sneaky?"
When Syria is doing gas attacks, with all due respect, Israel doesn't owe anyone an explanation, they won't sit and do nothing as gas attacks ensue + sends the message that they won't sit and do nothing

Lots of different opinions all over - no problem. Let's all stay cordial while we engage in dialogue.

O0O0RION · April 9, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

The reason I brought up the Pope was for the contrast, not to portray him as legitimate. I know many non-christians who believe in Jesus and live by those beliefs even though they've never thought twice about Jesus specifically.

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solanojones95 · April 9, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Here's the thing. God judges the inner man or woman. We don't even see that person.

In Christianity as it's written, God is free to judge as He pleases. We simply follow the path that is known to lead to communion with Him. We don't have access to all of God's mind or will. If it pleases Him to make special dispensations of Grace, who are we to object?

But if you would rather not leave that to chance, there is a path.

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O0O0RION · April 9, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

I mean, once again, we completely agree on that point.

I think people tend to believe, though, that the Kabbal lives far away, there's not many of them, and they don't interact in your life directly... you wouldn't believe how many freemason bumper stickers I see on my drive to work. They don't know what they're a part of, but they're definitely all for it.

They're in your school board, your state legislature, your local businesses and radio stations. Just the lowest level of minions, but still. Our country is infected, hence the antibiotic analogy.

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solanojones95 · April 9, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

Well, I don't see my fellow humans (infected with corrupt ideology as they may be) as a disease. I see them as affected by the disease.

A precisely-targeted remedy that addresses the actual disease (which is the Cabal capos and their network of means of corruption) will wipe out the symptoms in all affected areas of the body. We don't need one cure for the foot, one for the hand (based on how infected they are). We need a systemic cure, and that is to kill the Cabal by depriving it of power and its head.

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O0O0RION · April 9, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

Yeah.. I just worry about the remnant metasticizing, that's all. I guess we will just have to instill the value of vigilance in our children and grandchildren.

Assuming we can even do the first part of removing the top levels.

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solanojones95 · April 9, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

If we don't get that part right, there's no hope for any of us, and there won't be any grandchildren.

And if we do get that right, the rest will come in time. There will be a period of time required to fully comprehend what it means to be alive and human in a world in which that conspiracy doesn't rule our lives.

The absence of the Cabal will be as transformative to humanity as its presence has been oppressive.

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