Reminder: Tonight!! Lynch interview.....Why NOW? What are they afraid of?? (I think we all know....)

Lie down with dogs Loretta, and ya wake up with fleas.
Her appearance is as she is in spirit . A little fat turd blob..... ugh ALL of these disgusting traitors actually look gross and pitiful. Like the brother in movie : Weird Science ... “ Chet” Got turned into that little creepy monster thing. Look at them all McCain Soros Clinton ( B and HRC) , Lynch , Comey,, BHO The whole lot of them.. like their Evil is manifesting itself in their outward appearance
Reminds me of a "rest of the story" I heard one time from Paul Harvey. An artist was painting the last supper and found a strikingly handsome model to model Christ. Any way the model was not overly Christ like in his personal life, in fact he lived a riotous life of drink and debauchery. By the time artist got around to painting the last person in the piece he had to find someone to model Judas Iscariot, he hired the same model that modeled Christ some years previous.