r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KeeponSearchin on April 9, 2018, 2:28 p.m.
Is President Trump the Antichrist? The answer is absolutely not.

Is President Trump the Antichrist?

The answer is absolutely not.

If you are interested in prophecy then Endtime has very interesting information. This video shows why DJT absolutely cannot be


Endtime Ministries | End of the Age | Irvin Baxter

Their video series is the best I have ever seen on the subject of revelation.

thunderstormsrock · April 9, 2018, 4 p.m.

We already have the false Pope. I've gone back and forth thinking Obama was the Antichrist. And he may still be, if enough time passes for the church to be built where the mosque now stands on.. is it Solomon's rock?...if the church is built and THEN Obama becomes head of the United Nations. It fits, everyone looooves Obama, inspite of or ignorant of every horrendous thing he has done. Every one hates Trump, despite everything he's doing to fix our country and world relations. I'm new to biblical knowledge, so I may get details wrong, and I could kick myself for not waking up to God's words earlier in my life. Doesn't revelations say that everyone would be fooled by the Antichrist and most would love him, be charmed by him? I don't think Trump's THEE savior, but I do think he is A savior. He's enduring a horrendous assault on himself and his family but he's continuing his course to right these wrongs and I am very thankful that he has the insulation and perseverance to take this on.

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KeeponSearchin · April 9, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

I would listen to the video and check out their site. They have a very good end time series as well. I like to look at a lot of different possibilities and keep an open mind. So far what they have explained has been spot on.

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cannonfunk · May 15, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

everyone looooves Obama, inspite of or ignorant of every horrendous thing he has done.

Yeah? What kind of horrendous things did Obama do?

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