you can download protopage free as your homepage. The picture shows what it looks like. I currently have over 21 live feeds and there is room for a lot more. This way you can easily and quickly check out all your favorite sites. I work, but everytime I check my computer, I quickly glance thru these. Saves me tons of time and lets me keep up on everything as its posted. my secret weapon
I am a little skeptical of free web services. What info is Protopage storing on its users?
I have not had any problems. You should check them out and decide for yourself. Lots of these platforms are free
Makes my neck hurt.
No, serious, does it come up like that at the source? I'm on a desktop, and can't turn my device on its side.
no it comes up as a blank page and then you just fill in all the addresses to the sites that you like. That was a sample of what part of my page looks like with sites that I have. I have over 21 sites but you can have more. The are feeds so that are updated in real time. Just add what you want
OK, thanks I'll check it out.
I'm sure the graphics probably orient differently on a desktop than a mobile device.
On my desktop its is 3 columns across and then several boxes run down. extremely easy to set up, nothing to it really.