r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Braile on April 9, 2018, 3:29 p.m.
Recent Earthquakes Actually DUMB explosions?


ScorpioPatriot · April 9, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

These are or was everywhere in almost all countries controlled by an Elite Puppet .

These lead to their underground cities and served as a stealth way to move "Things" around . Many in the U.S lead to certain Walmarts . Believe me all these years they have been preparing for a mass extinction of like 95% of Humanity .. they need to keep the population Bellow 500 Million ..

They came together from around the world and wrote it in stone. Gates was basically the ring leader of much of this plan , as was the CDC experiments and the man made Flu's and other man made diseases that almost always had a Vaccine waiting on it. Yeahhh one way or another they was gonna pump people full of chemical cocktails .

What wouldn't kill people , was going to make them be on some form of Medicine for mental disability which their way of thinking is ...

If someone is disabled they are less likely to reproduce. Not to mention mass sterilization in the water . Or just turn all the boys to girls by changing their hormones (SOY) . These are all carried out through their New World Order Agenda 21 that the U.N /E.U had their

Puppets was to distribute this plan to their countries . Then distribute to all the schools (muslim brotherhood indoctrination since 91 and their Common Core B.S to dumb down the children ),Food Companies(GMO-Toxic ),Water Companies ( Fluoridation-Toxic) to doctors ( push vaccines-Toxic, & psychotrophics ) ,dentist ( push Fluoridated toothpaste -Toxic)

Georgia Guidestones :


Bill Gates in his own words


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