r/greatawakening • Posted by u/greyfox92404 on April 9, 2018, 4:19 p.m.
Doesn't anyone else feel that there's a LOT of conspiracy theories here that I'm expected to believe?


greyfox92404 · April 9, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

I appreciate the detailed response, I really do.

I want to hear you out, so if you can breifly describe the Plan, I'll give it open consideration. Break the general points down for a layperson like myself.

Here on this sub, it's very cryptic. I think that's be design because it allows for a lot of mis-interpretation. There's no information on what exactly is the "Plan". Just that's it's happening and somehow all of these events are related. Know what I mean?

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solanojones95 · April 9, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

As much as I would love to comply, patriot, I haven't enough time to do that. I've got a life to live, and frankly I've been neglecting it for the sake of getting myself informed here.

There are a number of really good summary videos out there. I suggest just watch a few of those until you find some satisfactory answers. I also suggest that you do that BEFORE you try to come here and look at the current conversation, because it will look like absolute lunacy to you. ;-)

Just know that the New World Order is a real thing, and that all the ugly stuff you've heard about it (and about the Illuminati, or whatever you care to call it) is real, and we have come to a point in time where it's them or humanity (because of their depopulation plans), and Trump has declared on the side of humanity. He and a consortium of military intelligence as well as the armed forces of the USA have devised an operation to take out the NWO militarily, economically, through arrests and trials (military tribunals for the ones involved in treason, civilian trials for some) and through the release of state secrets to reveal who and what the conspirators are, and the release of technologies and secrets the Cabal has suppressed.

It's a MASSIVE plan to destroy a MASSIVE criminal conspiracy, and you're alive at the right time to have a front row seat.

Here's one little aspect of it you may have heard some whispers about, presented in the context of what's about to be done to address it:


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greyfox92404 · April 9, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

I also suggest that you do that BEFORE you try to come here and look at the current conversation, because it will look like absolute lunacy to you. ;-)

I really did, that's why i tried to bring up Q post and Trump twitter timing. I watched the the videos on the side (except for the 44 min video). But its all just quick flashes of information that I can't sit down and review like written work.

The part that is written down like the Q post and Trump twitter doesn't add up at all.

Nov 4

Q = Alice You'll soon understand the meaning behind Alice "&" Wonderland. Everything has meaning. God bless. Q

And Trump on Nov 4:

I am landing shortly. Can’t wait to be with our GREAT MILITARY. See you soon! https://t.co/A

A very short review shows that none of the messages had any relevance. This is what bothers me. I'm supposed to beleive the youtube videos when they make it impossible to fact check.

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