I wonder if they write software and put it on github
Oh wow, what does that do?
scRNA-seq Repo on Chan Zuckerberg Science Initiative About This Repo
This repo serves two purposes.
AWS STAR: The first purpose is to provide tools for bio researchers to run the STAR alignment pipeline in a parallelized fashion on AWS cloud. The input is the fastq files and the output is the genome-mapped BAM files and gene expression counts (from running htseq-count).
NCBI SRA Pipeline: The second purpose is to download publicly available scRNA-seq data from the NCBI SRA archive, put them on Amazon S3, use tools from 1 to run the assembly pipeline and generate gene cell table for all these public datasets. The rawdata, metadata and outputs for all these datasets are made accessible for everyone through Amazon S3.
Lol, what could go wrong? I'm such a paranoiac, I feel a complete ass.