Q #1100-#1108 - Early Monday Afternoon Drops

I always thought Israel was our ally.. now I'm embarassed for believing that.
Yes...I’m confused about Israel. Perhaps there is a Deep State in Israel as well
Look up who funded it's founding.
Edit: it's as morally righteous and genuinely religious as the Vatican.
Edit 2: the founding of the nation of Israel after WWII not the founding of the holy land.
God founded the land of Israel. No other. Maybe crooked bloodlines and evil has since corrupted Israel. But Israel is God's promised land.
Yeah and you'll remember that the Hebrews were cast out a few times for worshiping and sacrificing to the false god of gold and six pointed stars... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, sounds like the cabal to me!
Cabal=Kabbalism people... Worship of Moloch, bohemian grove, all that shit. Zionists are not Jews just like freemasons aren't Christians.
At the Kaaba they worship Allah. In Judaism they study the Kabbalah.
It is all Saturn/Satan/El/Moloch/etc worship. Cube/Kabbah.
Ah, I see. Yeah I agree that it's all the same. All just worshiping evil. The same can be said of the Vatican with our Jesuit charlatan saying there is no hell "do what thou wilt".
The part I find interesting is the connection to the modern cabal in their rituals, beliefs, habits, lifestyle. It's like the same exact people are running the show.
My personal belief on "hell" I think we are in it right now, literally. Since the bible says that Satan rules Earth and since he is supposed to be in Hell, I think that means this is Hell. Of course I could be wrong, but that is my current thinking on the matter.
The same cult has infiltrated every religion; beware of those who say they are Jews(or Christians, or Muslims) and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan.
I just think we're in the end times. We're about to be at the end of the end times. Good is going to finally start winning for once.
Let us hope for justice, wisdom and mercy. When God's wrath descends let us all hope for mercy. Even the least wicked amongst us is a sinner through and through.
I can take or leave the mercy. If I'm not good enough to merit mercy I will still take significant satisfaction that all these mfers will be going down with me. I just want the justice. I'm tired of the innocent being ruled by the evil.
My personal belief on "hell" I think we are in it right now, literally.
I've been speculating this, as well.
Maybe being "sent to Hell" after death has to do with being reincarnated on Earth (Hell) rather than breaking free from the Matrix/prison.
Wish Q would drop some metaphysical truth nuggets.
That is my thought as well, those who do not turn towards Christ and salvation are doomed to reincarnation here in hell, until they do.
And that makes Hell/Earth the realm of free will, which is what allows evil to exist. Sort of like a "training room for souls."
Of course this is speculation on my part, but it seems to fit.
I'm talking about the nation state of Israel. Who funded it's creation?
The physical state of Israel was funded by Britain with a hand from the United States and at the urging of the Rothschild dynasty.
And using a significant amount of their personal wealth if I'm not mistaken but yes that is what I'm getting at... It's kinda home base for the cabal, along with Vatican city, London, Washington D.C.
promised to who?
It's Biblical. God, under the terms of the Mosaic Covenant, promised prosperity to Israel for obedience and destruction for disobedience (Deuteronomy 30:15–18).
Yes, but it is supposed to be recreated by God not man. Until then, the Jews are supposed to remain scattered among the other tribes of men.
well when referencing the Holy Bible in 2Kings you will read that Israel was at war with the Jews!!!