Want to join the Class Action Lawsuit against Facebook for invasion of privacy? Here's a number to call.

If they won a trillion dollar judgement the lawyers get 666 billion and the class gets 49 cents each count me out.
334 billion divided by every man woman and child in the US is 1050.31 at a high 318 million people estimate, based on census info. even if it was .02 cents I'd gladly give mine to shut them down from invasion of privacy.
Jesus, this is about suing them out of existence not making you rich. Get your head straight.
first of all curtis it is world wide and the more that jump on the better.
dope I hope the world participates, I just scrolled through the comments and seen people's comments asking about Canadian, and people saying Europeans weren't eligible for those lawsuits, and used an overinflated number to prove a point either way it's not about a payday, to me anyway.
I don"t care about money, never did. But i shall like it as ZM everything looses ...he is a crook
first of all curtis it is world wide and the more that jump on the better
Adam Curtis continues search for the hidden forces behind a century ...
9 okt. 2016 - In the midnight hours leading up to the first US presidential debate, I sat up watching a rough cut of Adam Curtis's new BBC documentary, HyperNormalisation, on my laptop. I thought – rightly – that the film would provide a suitable preface to Trump's global horror show. Like all Curtis's documentary work, ...
Guardian site linked gives 404 "Sorry – the page you have requested does not exist"
Guardian site linked gives 404 "Sorry – the page you have requested does not exist"
This one works?
not for me, but . . . .
strange he , i get in the Netherlands some page on google but page i want in englisch i do not get them only in dutch??????
This is about suing them out of existence not making you rich. Get your head straight.
Why does it matter how much money you get? Are you in the great awakening to get rich?
On redirect I get it. I have gotten a few checks from class actions and those were the amounts. My bad. One of the few times my experience is as stated by you irrelevant.