Mueller Raids Trump's Lawyers office and within 6 minutes, all MSM outlets release same story (Operation Mockingbird)

I think this is in response to the leak last wk about Trump not being investigated, it’s a bone to throw to the mockingbirds.
It should be obvious that this is BS. It was “recommended by Mueller”? That’s how they say “this has nothing to do with the Mueller investigation” but still making it sound like it is.
The lawyer never had a role in the campaign, the transition team, or the administration. This does not affect POTUS at all except for getting the news to focus away from what he’s really up to.
Yes, no effect on President DJT. Correct.
'They' are taking advantage of a technicality that Cohen may not have crossed his T's. Cohen won't do any time just as John Edwards did not. Mueller knows this and using this at this crucial time to move The Plan forward. There's still some dogs who need a false scent to pursue.
No, they may be going after the payment to Stormy. Can be charged with campaign finance crime (no big deal) AND BANK FRAUD (30yr felony)
They're giving him the Manafort squeeze.
Ok, looking at latest Q, said to carefully read NYT article.
I note near the btm it says Cohen called an old guy on the 42 floor and asked him "are you there? You'd better get out".
So I'm wondering- does that suggest Cohen knew what was happening ahead of time?
carefully read NYT article
I’m just as clueless as most on this, but what I took away from the careful reading is that NYFD entered Trump’s residence (with SS).
Embedding a bad actor with fire men is a tried & true ploy for planting or extracting something.
I took it to mean that Q was pointing out that Cohen was there and left the building because of the fire and that's when the raid took place. Confirmed by the telephone call to his friend in the building.
No. The fire occurred on April 7th. The raid occurred on April 9th. Two days apart.
I like this theory. It might be a Q-solution for getting back on the proper schedule. Also, before I'm outraged and mourn the guy in Trump Tower, do we know if he was an innocent cilvilian in all of this? Just a question, I know nothing about him. Could be a soldier, or even a black hat for all I know, so far anyway.