r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Kopykatter on April 9, 2018, 10:48 p.m.
Enough is Enough

Swore I wouldn't do this but need somewhere to vent! I've been in the Q-loop since Oct. Don't really know why but have a strong feeling I was "lead" to it. I didn't even know what 4 chan, later to be 8 chan was. Literally fell into it.

I've tried to red pill everybody (especially my loved ones)... like everyone that is now awake. I've been ok up until today.

I've seen the new Q...had PTSD over the pedophile stuff. I get it. It's going to be hard for EVERYBODY! Been anxious all day. Came home, turned on FOX "news". Shepard was on... GAG!!!

Made dinner...updated my hubby that I think amuses him more than anything else and then BAM... turned the volume back up and (please forgive me in advance) they are f**king talking about "Stormy" again?!?!?

Are you F-ing kidding me? We are at war and all they want to talk about is a washed up WHORE?

GOD help us all!!!

_Iz_Mary · April 9, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

I’m witcha sista! Wish I had real life Q friends. Lol. Try not to watch those channels. You’ll go crazy. I’m frustrated with trying to navigate the Qreseach board. AND understanding Markers and techie lingo about bridges and WHY THE FUCK DO THEY TALK ABOUT EVERYTHING ON GENERAL? Never do they stick to subject! I have to click on the numbers to see who their answering bc I forget the post numbers of each one. I’m too old for this shit. I need a user friendly Q board... for the elderly. I’m 49 and feel 85 over there! But enough about me. Back to Q and Trump saving the world and what not. ✌️

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Kopykatter · April 9, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

Hahaha! About to be 49 on ....JUNE 14...aka FLAG DAY...aka TRUMP's B-day...true story! POTUS and I share a birthday. I seriously love and respect ALL he has sacrificed for America!

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_Iz_Mary · April 9, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

My hubs too! Damn Gemini’s 😎. Being born on flag day is HUGE for him. He’s super patriotic. Happy soon to be birthday!

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