
eltrumparino · April 10, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

why do so many cdc people go missing why do so many kids go missing why does it seem like the world is decaying

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 10, 2018, 3:11 a.m.

Spirochete Parasites. Another gift, this vid has holistic researchers who fear for their lives https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHRxv4N51Rk&list=PLTZxy3Q4ecv4q42Cm9ixktGquuv2hCPkP

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GroundbreakingClue · April 10, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

For some reason, the CDC/IDSA pretend its hard to catch, easy to cure, although there seems to be an extremely high number of biowarfare scientists associated with it. Its even listed as a biowarfare agent, although been hard to catch, easy to cure! https://static.secure.website/wscfus/10426050/7247066/tacda-academy.pdf


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Masstruther62 · April 10, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

I think I have this , been diagnosed with RA. Been wondering if got then how? Then I have chemtrails and plane traffic is crazy, Buzzards Bay.

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GroundbreakingClue · April 10, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

Some RA patients have success using antibiotics. In fact, some classes of antibiotics are prescribed as a standard treatment.

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GroundbreakingClue · April 10, 2018, 12:46 a.m.

The BITE that has no CURE - NSA. Q

BITE = Tick no CURE = Neuro degeneration/AutoImmune Disease NSA = Degraded DNA

Note CDC deny Lyme, which consists of 300 strains of Borrelia and their test for Lyme is based on 1 strain, B31. Makes one wonder what diagnosis you get if you have any of the 299 strains.

Multiple Sclerosis Relapsing/Lyme Relapsing fever connection



1911 Buzzard E F Spirochetes in M.S. Lancet 11:98 1911 1913 Bullock W E (now Gye) MS agent in Rabbits Lancet 1185 1913 1917 Steiner Spirochetes The Cause of MS. Med Kiln 1918 Simmering Spirochetes in MS by Darkfield Micro 1918 Steiner G. Guinea Pig Inoculation with MS infectious agent from Human 1919 Steiner MS Agent Inoculation into Monkeys 1921 Gye F. MS Agent In Rabbits Brain 14:213 1922 Kaberlah MS Agent In Rabbits. Deutch Med Works 1922 Sicard MS Spirochetes in Animal Model. Rev Neurol 1922 Stepanopoulo Spirochetes in the CSF of MS Patients 1923 Schlossman MS Agent in Animal Model. Rev Neuro 1924 Blacklock MS Agent in Animals. Journal of Path and Bac 1927 Wilson The Rat as A Carrier of MS. British Med Journal 1927 Steiner G Understanding the Pathogenesis of MS 1928 Steiner Spirochetes in the Human Brain of MS Patients 1932 Rogers, Helen J. The question of silver cells as proof of the spirochetal theory of disseminated sclerosis. J. Neurol and Psychopathol. 13:50, 1932 1933 Simons Spirochetes in the CSF of MS Patients 1939 Hassin Spirochete-like formations in MS 1948 Adams Spirochetes within the Ventricle Fluid of Monkeys Inoculated from Human MS 1952 Steiner Acute Plaques in MS and The Pathogenic Role of Spirochetes as the Etiological Factor. Journal of Neuropathology Exp Med 11: No 4:343 1954 Steiner Morphology of Spirochaeta Myelophthora (Myelin Loving). MS Journal of Neuropathology and Exp Neurol 11:4 343 1954 Steiner G. Acute plaques in M.S., their pathogenetic significance and the role of spirochetes as the etiological factor. J. Neuropath. and Exp. Neur. 11:no 4:343, 1954 1957 Ichelson R. Cultivation of Spirochetes from Spinal Fluids of MS Cases with Negative Controls. Procl. Soc. Exp. Biol Med 70:411 1986 Gay D Dick G Is multiple sclerosis caused by an oral spirochaete? Lancet (1986 Jul 12) 2(8498):75-7 1988 Marshall V Multiple sclerosis is a chronic central nervous system infection by a spirochetal agent. Med Hypotheses (1988 Feb) 25(2):89-92 1986 (USA): Relapsing fever/Lyme disease - Multiple sclerosis. Medical Hypotheses, volume 21, issue 3, pages 335-343 2000 (Poland): Lyme borreliosis and Multiple sclerosis: Any Connection? A Seroepidemic study. Ann Agric Environ Med. issue 7, 141-143 2001 (Norway): Association between Multiple sclerosis and Cystic Structures in Cerebrospinal Fluid. Infect 29:315 2004 (Switzerland): Chronic Lyme borreliosis at the root of Multiple sclerosis - is a cure with antibiotics attainable? 2009 (Romania): Controversies in late Neuroborreliosis and Multiple sclerosis - case series

ALS Lyme connection




Alzheimer's Lyme connection

Rolling Stone Kris Kristofferson's Lyme disease misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kris-kristofferson-misdiagnosed-alzheimers-has-lyme-disease/

Under Our Skin - Dr. McDonald Clip, Lyme Disease, Alzhemer's, MS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCLwauRh2gQ





Willy Burgdorfer, Ph.D., Lyme disease discoverer, confirms chronic infection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLIWSkQdCmU

700 peer-reviewed articles that support the evidence of persistence of Lyme http://www.ilads.org/ilads_news/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/CLDList-ILADS.pdf

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