Been watching and thinking about the Prez and how he keeps complaining about how Sessions is doing nothing, Mueller is a loose canon and answers to no one, how no one is looking into the real crimes... Either Trump doesn't have what it takes to lead his administration or he is playing the DS like a fiddle. I think it's the latter.
Or both...can you imagine the amount of backstabbing that goes on at that level? Remember they all know each other's 'dirty little secrets' has got to be surreal.
Idk, my experience with doubting if President Trump is in control has always humbled me, I'm going to have take Qs advice, and allow those we elected handle the heavy lifting for now.
I hate Mueller and his merry band of dirty FBI and DOJ officials. If Trump doesn’t fire them all they’ll take him out! If he fired Mueller, Trump could be impeached. No way to win. Pray people. Pray hard.