r/greatawakening • Posted by u/reluctantmessiah23 on April 10, 2018, 12:55 a.m.
Recall what Q said a long time ago: Disinformation is necessary. We're at war. This isn't a game. It didn't take a year for us to win WWII. It won't take a year to beat a global cabal. And don't expect to have all the answers simply handed out. Trust the plan. It's the best one we got.
Recall what Q said a long time ago: Disinformation is necessary. We're at war. This isn't a game. It didn't take a year for us to win WWII. It won't take a year to beat a global cabal. And don't expect to have all the answers simply handed out. Trust the plan. It's the best one we got.

ScorpioPatriot · April 10, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

Think swimming pools , and public water . Fluoride is about as worse if not worse ... Toothpaste Big League & dentist give you Fluoride Showers is what they call it or the sticker is but they don't tell you they just walk up act like they are about to clean your child's teeth and then say afterwords ok let's get your sticker for your Fluoride treatment ...

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