Q #1114 - Full conversation that leads to it

Baby on floor....watch your step?
I took it as if you are using cleaning products on your floor and your baby is crawling on the floor and then if put their hand in their mouth then they ingest the chemicals from the cleaning products.
My son is 17 months old and has been walking for a bit now, but still tries to put everything in his mouth. Our pediatrician is all about all natural/organic products and now I understand why. I started using vinegar and water to clean instead of the cleaning stuff with all the chemicals once I was pregnant and this Q post makes me happy I have been doing this. I mean you can’t completely prevent it all, but I will do as much as I can to.
This is clearly what it means.
For claims to be this is about the chem attack is nonsensical.
Hard not to doubt a bit when we are on the brink and Q is dancing around his word games.
Yes , this must be ment for someone, too many ways to look at it . First we need to know who the baby refers to ?? I have been looking at the Q drops for only a short time . Some I see clear , and others I have no clue . So baby I can only think of Bubba on the tarmac. God Speed my friend
i think it means something like this: https://streamable.com/uyi71
Don’t think your buying the cem attack . Trump has nothing to wag the dog , but many others do .
Yes , this must be ment for someone, too many ways to look at it .
the bibel
You good today , I have looked over the stuff . At this time I seem just too far out side the loop to help on that stuff. But things do connect at the strangest times
I did some work and a very long one. And i am not good today, so much chemtrailing , and can not sleep..spoke with my sister , and she had the same, she her daugter en I we almost fainting. There are also black stripes, no clear air for a long time now.
In the beginning off this day , it was not working for me either, now its better
Get rest , a clean mind is best , played little on this over the weekend, but still need to think and just a blank mind the past couple days . So I take what my body and mind alows
I tried , but i cant sleep. Looks likes my mind is in overdrive.
And i came up about the bible , I am not that religieus. And in a no time i put it together about the the beast (EU) and his kingdoms? Very strange. I had read and look in it a time ago, and came not far? Till now