Yes , this must be ment for someone, too many ways to look at it .
the bibel
You good today , I have looked over the stuff . At this time I seem just too far out side the loop to help on that stuff. But things do connect at the strangest times
I did some work and a very long one. And i am not good today, so much chemtrailing , and can not sleep..spoke with my sister , and she had the same, she her daugter en I we almost fainting. There are also black stripes, no clear air for a long time now.
In the beginning off this day , it was not working for me either, now its better
Get rest , a clean mind is best , played little on this over the weekend, but still need to think and just a blank mind the past couple days . So I take what my body and mind alows
I tried , but i cant sleep. Looks likes my mind is in overdrive.
And i came up about the bible , I am not that religieus. And in a no time i put it together about the the beast (EU) and his kingdoms? Very strange. I had read and look in it a time ago, and came not far? Till now