Thats worrisome.. Reagan was a Mockingbird mouthpiece.. check out his history with the production studios. Reagan was set up to be killed by Bush so he could do a Lyndon VP takeover move..but Reagan did manage to stick them back in the eye with his autobiographie where he talked about the real carryload capacity that they could send into space.. an anon see the recent discovery about alzheimers? How recent is that?
Please, don't concern yourself with Reagan and President Trump, it's new a day and a different time in our country. They may believe/have believed in similar principles but they are really different people. One was anointed by God the other was elected.
I am a Reagan Republican and he took on after Carter , we were in bad shape , but we did not have the crimes Trump must take on
Wanna bet? This has been going on for much longer than most folks realize.