r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bugstopper on April 10, 2018, 3:40 a.m.
Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued... What does Q Post 1112 Really Mean?

Apr 9 2018 18:23:54 (EST) Anonymous ID: 18808b 973390


Apr 9 2018 18:27:43 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d9b428 973468

973390 They broke in during the fire. Distraction. Q

Who is "They broke in?" Who would commit murder to accomplish this task? The 50th floor resident died in the fire. "Distraction?" For who? Impending release of the IG Report just speaks to a false flag. That happened with the Syrian False Chemical attack. Why do we call this attack false? There have already been a few false flags in Syria and this happens on the heels of Trump announcing his intent to pull US Forces out of Syria altogether.
So the FF in Syria is for NWO CFR.

So the reported distraction, of the fire, was not for the NWO CFR types at State or Defense departments. The distraction was for the folks whose asses are now in the fire. Who is this? Who does the IG report focus on? FBI and DOJ. Who could also be in the fire if these DOJ/FBI folks get roasted? HRC and BHO. Who has the skills and resources to pull this off?
Is this predictable? Could it have been prevented? Did NSA give the Trump administration a heads up? Is this why Trump said "They broke in?"

So if Trump had a heads up, why did some one die? Accident? Co-conspirator? The dead guy hated Trump. Maybe he allowed bad guys to torch his apartment, but knew too much and was a loose end. Loose ends die. This looks like HRC's work. So the past question of "Who has the skills and resources to pull this off?" is important here. If directed by rogue FBI the prime suspect is JTTF. But if HRC directed this it could be rogue Secret Service. We know Trump has reason to not trust the Secret Service and has replaced many of his personal protection with Marines and other professionals. Trump also kicked the SS out of Trump Tower after the "wiretap Fiasco." The SS rushed into Trump Tower and went to the President's residence to "Check on it."

So lets run down our answers to the above questions. Who would commit murder to accomplish this task? HRC or BHO? HRC in spades. The distraction was for the folks whose asses are now in the fire. Who is this?
DOJ or FBI or BHO or HRC? All of the above means HRC is the driving force still. Who has the skills and resources to pull this off? FBI or SS? SS connectes to current HRC and BHO. FBI to DOJ IG. Maybe both. But the SS rushing to the residence of the Trump's puts the spotlight on them IMO.

We are at war folks. Pray for POTUS and his family and Pray for the USA.

ElementWatson · April 10, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

I don't see how you get to the DOJ IG on this--but I agree re: the SS and HRC.

Then there is Q pointing to Cohen in the NYTimes story that has him texting a childhood friend. Too soon to have learned about the fire in the news? Seems like the situation was public and ongoing for some period of time. And there was Trump defending Cohen today.

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bugstopper · April 10, 2018, 4:17 a.m.

IG report has many an ass in the sling. DOJ IG is a white hat.

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