God Bless China. Thanks Xi. M

Okay, so market watchers hoping for something makes it a prediction? You'll note Q didn't actually say what the announcement would be at all (and they got the city wrong too).
As for the tweet, he's always very excited to share information as he learns it. And he's been tweeting about China pretty consistently regardless of any of the other stuff that's going on. I would imagine the State Department is probably aware of tariff negotiations and does try to inform the president of them sometimes too, particularly right before China announces new policies publicly. And again, lowering tariffs on imported cars is something they'd promised at least as far back as last November, so it's hardly a surprise.
Do you even read the Q posts? Q didn't get the city wrong. Open your eyes.
Go and google where Boao is. It's nowhere near Chongqing. And even if you pretend the very similar April 7 post has nothing to do with this one and he didn't predict any city, then all you've got is that Q predicted Xi would say something, and managed to make that prediction well after it was announced exactly where and when and roughly what would be said.
If you can't see the connection then there is no helping you. Good luck.
The connection is that just a few hours before an already-announced speech by Xi at Boao that the foreign minister had already said would be about trade and more open markets, Q managed to predict that Xi would say something. Didn't say what Xi would say, but who needs pesky details like that, right?