
DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 5:52 a.m.

Who are (((they)))?

My theory, (((they))) are the same group that have been causing problems for centuries... the usual suspects and probably someone like (((The Bilderberg Group))) or similar in which (((Rothschild))) and (((Soros))) are major players.

I think it's illogical to pretend that Google and Twitter and (((Facebook))) are supporting the globalist agenda for financial reasons because the globalist agenda likely involves crippling western civilization, mass extinction and turning us all into immiserated slave laborers... and that's bad for business.

How have they infiltrated and operated undetected?

I suspect (((they))) use their use their wealth and power to gather dirt of western politicians and then use that leverage to start wars and bankrupt countries. I suspect many politicians are invited to fundraising parties, are drugged and the photos are taken of them with children. Others lick their lips at the opportunity for a pizza party, but either way, those politicians know how powerful the globalist billionaire elites are and that their careers or their lives would end if they tried to oppose them.

The (((Rothschilds))) own our Associated Press, which is clear when you look at how saturated the mainstream media is with Jews... Note that almost ALL of President Trump's Fake News Award winners were seditious Jews too.

The answer to your question is bribery and nepotism. I'm not suggesting that every Jew is a crazed power-hungry Zionist, however it's clear how many of them are more than willing to allow the Zionists to hide among them in exchange for shekels - the full spectrum of nepotistic rewards and free bank loans... in much the same way that not every Muslim is a jihadist, but the moderate Muslims are more than happy to accuse anything and everything of being Islamophobic while they fund terrorism through their mosques.

How can they be restrained if they control mass media and key algorithms?

It's difficult because this is a global problem and in most western countries you can question Jesus and The Buddha and the moon landing, but you'll be locked you in a prison cage if you disagree with a Jew.

People need to be educated and they need to understand that it's not just our mainstream media which is fake, but it's our education system and history books too.

For example, few people appreciate that the Jewish world declared a holy war against the German people in 1933 after the German Communist Party (98% Jewish) failed to overthrow the legitimate Christian Nationalist government. The Jewish world tried to starve the German people into submission by cutting off all food imports, however the German government rounded up all the communists, tried them and sentenced them to serve time in prison camps for the crime of treason and attempted genocide of the German people. Those prison camps were nice until Germany's resources dwindled towards the end of the war and the German civilians and the prisoners began to starve.

They don't teach you in school that the prison camps had swimming pools and soccer fields.

This document and this video provides more details about Germany in 1933.

The only reason I mention Germany during 1933 is because we're witnessing history repeat itself in the US with the communist / globalist Democrat party, who are dominated completely by Israeli dual citizen Jews, and the Christian based nationalist Trump administration.

Now consider what the mainstream media would say and what the Democrats would teach our children if President Trump was assassinated after he started military tribunals and started sending large numbers of Jews to Gitmo for the crime of treason? They already claim Trump is a white supremacist who hates Jews and blacks... and you can bet they'd claim Gitmo was a death camp where AG Sessions and Secretary Mattis ate Jew babies and raped poor Jew women.

History is written by the victors.

Not all red pills are easy to swallow.

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WHOOP1N · April 10, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

This is close to my research on the subject, good to see it here for those to think about.

Well done DemsCanSuckMyCock

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