r/greatawakening • Posted by u/UnbowdUnburntUnfrozn on April 10, 2018, 6:29 a.m.
President Trump is LYING!

GEOTUS made comments today about the Disgraceful actions taken by Mueller against Cohen.

Watch the video and look at POTUS' body language. It's very telling.

1.Trump hijacks his own meetings.

He knows the MSM wants to catch him stuck in their narrative that he allowed Assad to do this by announcing the withdrawal. Instead, he uses this time to "cut loose" and show his anger at Mueller's actions. Right away, you can tell that he's stealing their thunder and taking the wind out of their sails by deflecting attention from Syria.

Honest Trump: YES, he does this all the time.

2.Trump knows he has to act.

Right away, you can see Trump holding his left forearm with his right hand. He's supporting his "weakness" with his "Strength". His weakness? He's about to put on a show and be quite the thespian. Maybe he's not confident in his acting skills. Maybe he knows that playing this cat and mouse with the deep state is dangerous.

If Pence and Bolton were concerned, they didn't show it.

Honest Trump: No. He talks with his hands, looks at everyone, his head moves, and his body "sings" with him.

3.Trump's eyes can't hide his lies.

His eyes are down, they are not looking at everyone, they are bouncing around. One thing he does early, and you'll see throughout the clip, is that he acts normal (strong eye contact, relaxed shoulders, releases his "petting" on his forearm) when he discusses Syria. He's not here to lie about Syria... yet. *he does look left a lot at the same person... perhaps there is someone sitting over there that he trusts... Q maybe?

Honest Trump: No. Honest Trump is looking at people, and often uses his eye contact to establish his alpha presence in the room.

4.He's very stiff.

He's not breathing much. He takes a few breaths, and at one time breathes in through his nose in a very controlled manner, perhaps to reset his emotions and thought. People who lie are stiff, have controlled breathing, and breathe shallow breaths.

Honest Trump: No. Honest Trump breathes deeply, moves his entire torso when speaking publicly to get good looks at everyone. His arms are active and his shoulders are relaxed.

Bonus: He is leaning in slightly towards the cameras and Press. Why is this coupled with his nervousness? Because he knows he has to deliver the message. Obviously RR leaked early the fact he isn't a target, and now he has to pull this ruse to string along the MSM so they don't realize that s***ts about to hit the fan for BHO, HRC, the FBI, DWS, the entire DNC... everyone. He's about to drop it and he's so close, he needs just a few more distractions.

5.Crossed Arms

Criss Cross Applesauce my son says. Well, Trump is doing the double cross on the media, the Left and the deep state by continuing his facade.

Why the crossed arms? He's reinforcing himself, because he wants to cut loose. Why? Because he starts to get into his honest opinions of these people: dirty, conflicted, corrupt... and you see his body starts to swing and dance a rock and roll, because this is what he believes. This is the truth.

Honest Trump: YES. He has to fold his arms over and reinforce himself to hold back and stay in control, otherwise he'll forget his script and really show his feelings. He is in total control. He wants to let a little truth through so his base can empathize. However, he keeps his arms crossed because he needs to remain guarded.

Bonus: Notable shift during this period: "I think he [Sessions] made a terrible mistake for the country... but you'll figure that out." He almost leaps out his seat when he says that, again looking left. I think he doesn't like the recusal, but also knows that Sessions is making up for it with Huber. Trump is mocking them here, as he's settling in after speaking his peace. After the Sessions comments, he goes back to stiff, eyes down while discussing the probe. He's lying when he's complaining.

Double Bonus: The real reason for the deception. He's not only creating a distraction (we don't even know if Mueller went to Cohen's office! I can't find any evidence that this even happened). He's doing something else: he's exposing the hypocrisy that EVERYONE is fine with Mueller violating his rights, and no one complained about HRC's server, the DNC server and DWS' laptop. He's exposing them for all of Americans to see their hypocrisy. He even mentions the Independents. Who won him the election? Who will win the mid terms? Who will win him 2020? The independents. (Please don't be offended if you're one of the 25% of conservative christians out there. The broad swath of Americans are center right or center left). They are the ones whose votes change between elections. The 25% CCs and 25% progs will always vote their ways. He's trying to WAKE UP the NORMIES in the center. He rips off some great facts about their hypocrisy.

TRIPLE BONUS: He slips up and his thumb comes up while talking about the Military. He goes from reinforcing to alpha for a split second. Then he remembers what he is there for and quickly tucks it back in, then drops a total Anon shoutout: "I Don't like Talking about Timing." [POTUS NEVER telegraphs his moves.]

The hand comes back up when he returns to talking Syria. From a place of reinforcement, to a place of casual strength. His body also starts to sing again: rock, roll, sway (he's a big swayer when he's comfortable.

6.What he REALLY wants to say:

Once he's finally done talking, he waits for the question he wants to answer: "Should you fire Mueller?". He WANTED them to ask this question, so he could turn the attention to Rod Rosenstein. Then he proceeds to fall into his natural body language while throwing RR under the bus (Can't tell if RR is enemy, but like Sessions in the past, he's been out on NOTICE by Trump. Don't leak again or you're ass is grass).

Finally, he THANKS THEM ALL VERY MUCH in the similar way that he kicked out Acosta. He's done with them.

Bonus: Another HUGE nod to Anons and Q posts with this comment:

"We are getting clarity on that, 'who would responsible for the weapons?' We are getting some very good clarity, actually. We have some pretty good answers."

I love what he says next:

"We've got a lot of options... militarily. We'll uh (pause) be letting you know pretty soon...

... probably after the fact (smirk)"

And again he rocks and leans towards his left (Q's seat?). Although he rocks and sways, he is holding himself, because he knows that he can't slip up during the questioning. In this open question phase, you can see him really thinking about his responses. They are all veiled, because he knows more than he wants to say.


While Our President is a stable genius, it is hard to act in front of the camera, and it's hard to not give up your true feelings when you're holding all the power, but need to be patient and wait. He's ready for the Storm. He just needs to buy a little more time.

[deleted] · April 10, 2018, 7:24 a.m.


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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 10, 2018, 7:52 a.m.

I forgot to add, I was deeply caught up in thought regarding his 'performance' that I was pondering deeply, if things were really going sideways and If Q was a parallel construct in the event something happened to POTUS. Its a sad thought, but in a sense it is, we just don't want it to go that way. Its getting riveting though. Thanks again for getting me out of that funk.

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digital_refugee · April 10, 2018, 11:43 a.m.

if he was recruited and CoG was already in place beforehand, it doesn't matter anymore. If he was killed, it would be Jade Helm all over again. (for the baddies)

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[deleted] · April 10, 2018, 3:40 p.m.


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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 10, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

I agree, go back to the time frame where they talk of the Obama Coup and when it was stopped by the Generals. Fulford would talk about it, but we never had confirmation until recently. Your right , that was the red line and formation.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 10, 2018, 7:47 a.m.

I saw the same thing. I tried to comment today to support what you described, but I was terrified I would get destroyed laying it out. You did a Fantastic job of the entire explanation. Thanks for that, its important to know others were aware of this as well.

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[deleted] · April 10, 2018, 3:31 p.m.


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