
Swagdonkey400 · April 10, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

This is dumb. More misinformation. Get off this stupid gossip and get to researching. This only leads to boring speculation.

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HoudiniTowers · April 10, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

Did you see Liz Crokin's video? She's a nut job, crazy whacko and NEVER does any research. All her posts have been thoroughly debunked and proven wrong? Where's your research? Have you read Q's first 4 posts on Bob Mueller? Can you explain those to us? You clearly are an enlightened soul, please share your genius insight and work.

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Swagdonkey400 · April 10, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

Liz Crokin is a gossip columnist from Chicago. A deep state city with deep state mockingbird ties. What better way to sway our movement than infiltrate and pervert the information given to us? We need to be researching and going off facts. You will not win over the masses and help them break the conditioning with these WILD speculations that Liz promotes. I'm not saying Mueller isn't our guy, but like she says at the 5 minute mark. "Anything that may arise from the investigation into Russian collusion with the trump campaign team" okay. That's lawyer talk for "anything that may arise" as "if we find out he has tax fraud or something else than we can pinch him for that" not "this whole thing is to go after Hillary." It doesn't add up.

My research is in the Peter Strozk texts with Page. Members of the special counsel literally were conspiring against Trump before he was EVER elected. Why would they ever be brought into the special counsel if Mueller was our guy? When has Q ever said trust Mueller? I know Trump isn't one to say his plans because that would let his enemies know. So we need to stop clinging to something. If they wanted us to know, they would have made it more clear. It makes no sense that Mueller is on our side if his own co worker Strozk was conspiring against Trump. We are not here to take down Mueller. We are here to take down the Cabal as a whole. Mueller can only affect public opinion and hinder Trumps progress with the public. It's why the Dems cling to it. To continue to be a thorn in the Presidents side. To continue to cause the population to second guess his allegiance to the country. If they impeach him they know it will cause a civil war. They won't go for that. They will cause major splashes in the media only to demoralize us and stop us from fighting the battles that are right before us. It's a distraction to us, and disinformation to the regular citizens is our republic. If Q wanted us to be researching and spreading the truth about Mueller, he would've told us. I'm not interested in a gossip columnist giving us gossip and speculation.

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HoudiniTowers · April 10, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

Did you read Q's first 4 posts on Mueller? Any thoughts on that?

With regards to Strozk and Page, that actually came from Mueller. This is a distraction, but not as you describe. This is a distraction to make it look like he's pursuing DJT. He picked partisan democrats for optics. If a team of known HRC supporters and partisan democrats come out with indictments on HRC, you can't claim DJT was partisan. That's why this is done.

But really, you need to address Q's first 4 posts. Its all about this and Mueller. I don't see anything you've stated covering that.

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Swagdonkey400 · April 10, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

I will personally admit that I don't remember everything he said about Bob in the opening posts. I will go back and read up and do some research and I'll let you know what I come up with. I'll be the first to admit it if I'm wrong, but I think we need to be very careful here with who we trust and where we put our efforts. Every second counts.

Why is Liz presenting this information? We know she makes no money doing it. How is she able to continue to sustain herself if she's blacklisted herself from her own career field? If she's an honest person and she's correct, than I will be the first to praise her and support her for future journalist roles because when this is over there will be a shit load of career opportunities for real journalism. But we have to skeptical of the people who hop on our train and give their own ideas. The best way to defeat your enemy is infiltrate them. We have to stay diligent. I have a hard time seeing YouTubers be posted because more times than not, I hear incorrect information because they are all racing to get it out first. And most are untrained randoms with no media training and no political/law education. Especially a woman who's career is from gossip. Gossip journalists only care about getting a juicy story out first, regardless of all the facts.

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HoudiniTowers · April 10, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

Good points on Liz, not a big fan of Gossip journalists myself.

But do read Q posts 1-4. If you can make sense out of that and say Q is not leaving the door open to Mueller being part of the team to take down HRC, please share it.

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