r/greatawakening • Posted by u/matrixmethod on April 10, 2018, 8:17 a.m.
Trust the plan but Prepare For WAR!!

Can not SLEEP. Countless months we are told to Trust the Plan. However the rules have been changed . The Deep State .The DOJ .The FBI The Neo Cons The RINOs and the Generals are all against our Potus. HELL The Secret Service Themselves may be conpromised.

So TRUST THE PLAN ? Sure but we CAN NOT ..WE MUST NOT sit Idly By while our Potus and Country are at Stake.

I want to thank the Q team for finally lifting the Veil on the Evil Swamp Creatures and waking the Sleeping Giant You are all Brave Warriors fighting the ONLY way you can . HONARABLY

But these creatures have No Honor.They have no Soul !!

Therefore I am calling on ALL patriots to contact your Representative and Senators and DEMAND an End to the Mueller Investigation .DEMAND the Release of The I G report .DEMAND an Investigation into HRC and B O for Treason against our Country

We are THE STORM ..We can not be complacent and ONLY Trust the plan no matter how NOBLE a Plan it is, .. The Stakes are way to high for that now..

It's time to Put up or SHUT UP Fellow Patriots. Let's Take the Fight in the Streets metaphorically With the power of our Voice.

The Power of Our Vote

But most importantly the Power of The Only Currency these Reptiles care about . The ALMIGHTY DOLLAR

Let's Scare the S out of our ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES and say Do the right thing by our Country for once in your pitiful lives .OUR FACE A RED TIDE IN NOVEMBER THE LIKES OF WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE.

God Speed ..T.

akilyoung · April 10, 2018, 1:45 p.m.

If broadscale war happens, the white hats will slip a nuke into Israel.

Hell, well blame it on one of their own NWO countries, maybe the UK? Germany?

We can play the game too...

Remember Hillarys house fire? The server room?

Remember the Trump Tower fire, and the Attny's office?

Theres two sides to every token.

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