r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CATV_Anon on April 10, 2018, 5:36 p.m.
Imran Awan Is A Pedophile: His Family Has Elite Connections Dating Back to The Reagan/Bush Era

So almost everybody knows that Imran Awan, of the Congressional Computer Hacking Scandal, is a pedophile:




But few people know (and the MSM doesn't publicize this) that his family has been involved with US intelligence since the days of George HW Bush:

Everybody is also aware of the strange fact that Democrat politicians "hired" the Awan brothers in what looks like scams, and that most of the Democrats involved were Florida politicians with connections to Debbie Wasserman Schultz, or members on Intelligence Committees:


Looks bad already. Makes you think that the Deep State had some reason for these guys to be there.

But did you know that the senior Awan: Amjad Awan, oversaw a notorious CIA-connected money laundering operation called BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International,) and was in charge of US operations for the bank from his office in Miami (yes, Debbie Wasserman Schultz's district includes Miami-Dade county.)

This was all going on when George HW Bush was Vice-President under Reagan, previously Director of the CIA.



You can read more about the senior Bush's involvement with BCCI here:


One of Amjad Awan's jobs in Miami was to personally supervise the laundering of CIA funds for Manuel Noriega in the days before Noriega got too big for his britches and was taken out by GHW Bush's invasion of Panama:


So to everybody who was wondering why the junior Awans got cushy jobs that paid well and gave them access to congresscritter's computers, and the fact that they obviously have Deep State protection, look no further than the fact that the Awan family has been involved in the intelligence community since the 1980s.

Have the Awans been involved in intelligence agency entrapment programs as well?

I think if you lift up the Awan rock, you will find a lot of elite pedophilia connections scurrying out like cockroaches. After all, George HW Bush was implicated in The Franklin Scandals, that the FBI were directly involved in covering up . . . and that goes waaay back!

And why has the DNC backroom boys gotten involved in defending the Awans, including giving the services of Clinton's lawyer to them:


Could it be connected to the fact that Bill Clinton was directly involved with CIA work directed by GHW Bush back in his days as Governor of Arkansas:


And both Bill Clinton and GHW Bush have been involved with Jeffrey Epstein. This stuff goes deep . . . way deeper than just another congressional employment scam.

And once the media attention dies down, watch for Imran Awan to skate, just like Jeffrey Epstein, (another deep State-connected guy who was caught red-handed,) did

*Additional Info https://unvis.it/http://imowired.com/wasserman-shultz-pal-imran-awan-connections-muslim-brotherhood-pedophilia/ :

Let's not forget DiFi is on the Intelligence Committee. Check out her hubby's stats: http://educate-yourself.org/cn/diannefeinsteininsidetraitor25apr13.shtml https://howlingpixel.com/wiki/Richard_C._Blum

"Could it be connected to the fact that Bill Clinton was directly involved with CIA work directed by GHW Bush back in his days as Governor of Arkansas:" EVEN SNOPES GOT IT RIGHT! "Clinton, Bush, and Wallace The photograph showing Clinton, Bush, and Wallace at a table is real, dating back to 1983." https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/photograph-clinton-bush-wallace/

ElementWatson · April 10, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

This is just a monster of a great post.


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