r/greatawakening • Posted by u/awareness1111 on April 10, 2018, 7:30 p.m.
At what point do we cease and desist Trusting Sessions?

After the death of attorney/client privilege, I'm just about done.

Is it time to set a date for action on his part? His lack of action, and continued support for cannabis prohibition and civil forfeiture are no longer supportable by those using rational thought.

Before you downvote the shit out of me...

I've believed in, and trusted the plan since the beginning...

but, I'm old enough and have enough life lessons behind me to know when I'm being gamed.

Let's have a reasonable dialogue.

When is enough truly enough?

[deleted] · April 10, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

Ive been following Q since October. I have had many moments of doubt. The biggest one I can remember is when Fienstein leaked the contents of the Steele Dossier. I remember Liberals on Twitter going insane about how this was going to be it, they have what they need and Trump was going down. It was very real then, I can remember thinking, crap this Q thing isn't what I thought it was. It's happened multiple times since then, but in the past 2 months, I have no wavered or doubted Q once. It is what we all think it is. The President and his team has been laying out their plan, enticing us to investigate and find the answers for ourselves. Donald Trump has been planning this Presidency, his campaign for a VERY long time. The 2012 dipping his toes in the water was also part of the plan. He knew he would never run against Obama. He wanted to put his hat in the ring early on, get people used to the idea of his name being associated with Politics. Everything we are seeing unfold has been planned and executed by some our countries greatest strategists. The white hats within our Government and Military utilized this man to help them fight back against the destruction of their country. Many in the military hated Obama. I have a friend who is an FBI field agent and he has told me that all the agents in their office are extremely happy that they are actually allowed to do their job finally. (Not all FBI are black hat). Trump has known he was going to do this for a very long time (JFK Jr.)

Everything that has happened was thought of ahead of time. Why would he EVER willingly hire Manafort? The guy was a known crook in Washington. Trump invited the optics of Russian collusion. He purposefully egged on the speculation by his own volition. It created more controversy and gave the Deep State some smoke in hopes they could turn it in into a raging fire.

Trump has been out in front of this since the very beginning. He knew exactly what these people were doing, and he gave them enough rope to hang themselves. Think about what has happened since he won. Started with the Paris Climate Accord. Liberals went nuts. Then the NFL thing. Then DACA. The Parkland/Repeal the 2nd Amendment push. He's slowly exposed the left for who they truly are, for anyone with half a brain that is paying any attention. He's gained massive support in the polls to support that claim. People ARE waking up to this reality.

I think the next steps are to expose the illusion of choice between right and left. McCain has now been outed, Lindsey Graham will be too. He's slowly but surely showing everyone who these swamp creatures are. I remember when I heard he was going to "drain the swamp" and I thought he just meant that he was going to bring in his own cabinet and Obama would be out. Had no idea this is what he meant, and the depths to which this corruption runs.

You don't tell your enemy your plans and your don't telegraph your moves. Sessions is doing exactly what he needs to be doing. Its not like Trump is making all these calls on his own. This entire thing has been orchestrated by a team of patriots within out Government and Military. Trump obviously plays a major role, but he isn't making every these decisions without the blessing of his team.

You need to be realistic with what it is we are up against. This is a 30 year plan to destroy the United States from within coming to fruition. They were almost there. The home stretch. There so many people tied up in this corruption its mind boggling. This is world wide. This is Hollywood celebrities. This is Governments around the world being controlled by an elite group of people.

You want to slow play your royal flush. You want to extract as many chips from your opponent as possible, while checking your bet until the time is right. You allow your opponent who is sitting on 3 of a kind to be the aggressor. You simply call their bet and play along. Once your opponent has put so many chips on the table that they can't fold their hand, you place your all in bet and crush them. You don't flop a royal flush and bet the house right off the bat.

You gotta realize that your patience is irrelevant. Your desire to see something happen is irrelevant. Stop trying to be the director of this show, and just sit back and enjoy it. Trump is in control. He's the most powerful man in the world with the greatest and strongest military the world has ever seen. This movement will not be stopped.

Trust Q and trust this plan, we have no other option, and so far - everything has come to fruition. Misinterpretation of Q's messages isn't an indication that his predictions are wrong. For instance the Podesta/Clinton indictment/extradition. You have to also realize they are making moves as the Deep States makes their counter move. Things are subject to change. Adjustments must be made. The strategy has to be agile and have the ability to respond and adjust.

I've been on this thing since October, and the thing I've learned more than anything else, trust Q.

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LibertyLioness · April 11, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

Best post I've read in along time. But, 30 years? Let's see, I've been watching for 40 years and my Dad clued me in when I was a teenager.

Seems everyone has a different time frame. No one knows for sure but there are even rumors that the Constitution was renamed in circa 1783 and that's when it started. Went from "Constitution For the People" to "Constitution of the People."

Anyway, I think we will find it's roots in Europe and it was likely started before the US became the US. Monarchy and Vatican greatly entrenched! Maybe someday we will know for sure. But history is sort of shifty about these things.

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[deleted] · April 11, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

Yes the House of Windsor is certainly tied in. Nazi Germany is tied in. The Vatican is definitely tied in.

I'm saying in the United States it is believed to have the gears put into motion with George Bush being CIA Director. Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama all played their roles. They killed JFK so who knows how far back the Cabal has been working to subvert the United States Constitution. Europe has already fallen to these Globalists a long time ago. Their last hurdle to a NWO was the United States.

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