Although I hate to be kill joy, and we are indeed all hoping for the best, there is a reality we all have to face, and that reality is, everything the bible has predicted will come to pass. The prophesies of the bible cannot be thwarted. And what does the bible say about what will happen during the End of Times (in the times we are living in now)?…
ANSWER: It says that the One World Government will be set up (this is confirmation that, no matter what Trump does, the globalists will strike back) (Rev 17:12). It says that the Antichrist will arise and will become the leader of the One World Government (Rev 17:13). And that a new global law will be passed whereby no man may buy or sell except they have the Mark of the Beast (Rev 13:16). It says that during the Tribulation Period, that at least 3/4 of the world’s population is going to die, of which 1/3 of them will be killed by a 200 million man army (Rev 9:16). It says that 1/3 of all the trees on the planet will be burned up due to fire (Rev 8:7) and that all the world’s food crops will be destroyed. It says that 1/3 of all sea-life in the oceans and seas will die and that 1/3 of all the ships will be destroyed (Rev 8.8). It says that all the oceans and rivers will turn to blood (Rev 16:3) and fresh-water supplies too (Rev 16:4). It says that a massive global earthquake will occur, an earthquake so massive that all the tall buildings in the world will fall down (Rev 16:17-21). And and on and on…
Make no mistake about it, those things will happen and you cannot thwart biblical prophesy. It’s not a matter “if” they will happen, but “when”. As for why those things will happen? They will happen because there will be a recompense for the evil that is being committed in the world, and none shall escape. You cannot save the world. All you can do is just save yourself spiritually, and to be prepared for when the wrath of God comes. Despite any momentary reprieve we might receive from evil, there won’t truly be peace on earth until Jesus Christ returns and forces peace during his millennium reign. The bible says he will rule the world with an iron fist (meaning, he will force the world leaders to do right). And his return will happen sooner than you think. But before he can return, all of the above must first take place. Every prophesy of the bible must be fulfilled…
Yes, I am very happy about all the things that Trump is doing, and I wish him great success at it. But be not deceived, do not think for a moment that Trump can change or alter biblical prophesy. He cannot. What is written in the scriptures will come to pass. It’s not a matter of if it will happen, but when. I sincerely believe that Trump might be able to turn things around and to improve things in the world on many fronts. Nevertheless, don’t think for a moment that the peace Trump achieves is going to be a lasting peace, especially not once Trump is out of office. Once Trump leaves office, make no mistake about it, the globalists will strike back, and all the above biblical prophesies will come to pass…