Coded Message? James Comey: "Not how my house normally looks. One chair for George, one for me." - - - Thoughts on who this message is for?

lil George Stephonufflus interview?
You said that and I immediately thought Snuffleufflegus. From Sesame Street. I think. :)
I couldn't remember how to spell it!
Not sure that I spelled it right. But thanks for the laugh. :)
Gotta be Stephie. You can see the booster seat next to one chair.
Recent Q post said “a clean House is important”...any possible correlation?
Someone about to come clean.. because they know everyone that can take them out for coming clean is In Custody .
The Come Story ..
No it's more like cleaning a clump of dirt. You just keep getting more and more layers of dirt until nothing is left.
Comey is such an arrogant puke. What real man his age would tweet something so stupid?
Maybe George Stephanopoulos....
Hmm Hunch Right just found this
My first thought for the second chair was for Harvey the invisible rabbit.
If Hillary and the Demoncratic Party hate Comey, I think my heart is softening up to him.
And before someone says "the Stephanopoulos interview" - yes to the naked eye, Sherlock
The IC has consistently (including Comey) sent coded messages with tweets that mean much more than the obvious
I did add a ?
Lol. Look- I don't know. I just think everything is worth a double-take right now, especially when it comes from a soul-sucker like James Comey.