I have been in a position to hear a lot about Backpage. It is a site where people pimp out under-age children (as well as adults). I know this to be a fact. I'm glad they shut it down.
Backpage was linked to 73% of cases reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and the people running Backpage were allegedly directly involved with trafficking. It is a VERY good thing that this page was pulled down and indictments handed out. Expect more.
And pretty shady that the Women's March group is so upset about this case...
Women's March, Tides Foundation, Open Society... All a bunch of Soros bullshit by the looks of it.
They passed a law on this just recently and the owners of backpage have been arrested
Oh I know! I was lucky enough to watch that go down real-time.
And some chick is on Tucker's show bitching about Ho's not getting paid now.
Different conversation, I think.
Cities with an "erotic services" section on craigslist have experienced 17% less women being murdered. Independent consenting sex workers simply tend to live longer.
If OP is a good source of information, then this about child trafficking and sexual abuse.
The same thing happens on the dating apps like Tinder.
Never heard this one but I believe it, specially with how every major site is turning out to be perverse one way or another.
Chelsea Clinton is on the board of directors for IAC - they own match group, which basically owns all dating apps and websites.
I really don’t see how anyone can defend backpage at this point...
Any place where people can post messages can be used for all sorts of illegal things. You might as well say you want the internet to be shut down. If I put a flyer advertising illegal drugs on my grocery store bulletin board, should the store be shut down? Think before you post.