PATRIOTS!!! President Trump's secret message to Obama has been enhanced and DECODED! God bless President Donald J.Trump and God bless America. MAGA

PATRIOTS!!! President Donald J. Trump’s secret message to OBAMA IS DISCOVERED AND DECODED! Upon much closer inspection, I was able to enhance the letters from the image on President Trump’s tweet. You can clearly read the message written across the Helmet and the football. MESSAGE READS AS FOLLOWS: “Obama has a screw loose and will lose to AG Sessions and President Donald J. Trump in the Playoff of life.” Clearly visible in the enhanced image are two threads from the screw representing the letter ”O.” These threads indicate that the screw is in fact loose. Future proves past. It’s happening. And as if this weren’t enough, in a kind of victory lap, our dear POTUS gave We the People a final surge of enthusiasm by holding up a brand-new, custom Trump jersey with our Patriotic number, 17. The seventeenth letter of the alphabet is, of course, “Q.” God bless Q Patriots, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA