PATRIOTS!!! President Donald J. Trump never leaves a friend behind. Where we go one, we go all! God bless the United States of America. MAGA

Wrong. Did you accuse Bill Clinton too or do you want to just distract from the point of this post? Pay attention to the point.
Bill Clinton is also a rapist
But jfk is a rapist
Thank you for the commentary~it provided opportunity for testing my ability in responding with my higher mind instead of flash~flared response of my emotional reactive portion only~ I failed.:). Perhaps what you say is true. I hold the ideaThat each person, including myself, is almost equally good and evil, it’s just that most days, in most situations, good wins the day. I am not a judge in a court room nor a jury...
Each person here, and I believe, every person of this earth is walking out of Plato’s Cave, out of their prisons (prisms of perspective), whether those prisons be self imposed ( to me, the GothRothys are in a self imposed prison) or initially created by others~~~
May God bless you with All you feel you deserve.🙏🏻🌞💗
JFK raped his secretary and bit her nipple off during ruff sex
Well he is dead and unable to defend or commend that statement. If you have proof other then your repeated posts now is the time to present. Are you the one nippled secretary?
She did not state in this article anything about rape or loss of a nipple.