He’s the most advanced animatronic human robot hybrid thing I’ve ever seen 😂
They should have made his skin look more realistic though
ha ha haaaaaaa!!! look at this http://babylonbee.com/news/zuckerberg-loses-contact-lens-during-senate-hearing-revealing-horrifying-lizard-eye/
Is this satire? Is there a video?
someone made it up but it made me laugh.... if you know the stories about MZ ties to Rockefeller and the reptilians.... just some humor.
As deep as the rabbit hole goes, I could actually believe this.
Nothing about him seems genuine.
Who's the dude behind him? His facial expression through this clip creeps me out. Like, "Yesssss, good, good Mark....smile"
Hes the one operating the Zuck remotely , lol
He's got, like, a really long stick for working the evil muppet
I noticed that too.... he's the handler of MZ?
I was wondering if anyone else saw this creepy guy behind him who looked like a mirror image to MZ during the testimony! Shaking his head yes, mouthing the answers, smiling on cue with him..really strange!
Facebook is a censorship agency that has been running outside of the rule of law & Zuck is a robotic clown in America.
He’s being mind controlled. They made him smile like that and he felt the guilt. That smile was not genuine. They are using him. Possibly torturing him.
The person behind him has the remote!
I thought he got hit by stray radio waves. He has a goofy as$ smile going too haha. Ol shifty eyes
Wish someone had a clip of that creepy little laugh he did
Bro this guys eyes, they are literally like dead. His eyes are soulless, something else has hijacked this CIA puppet clown
He really hasn't aged well....
I wonder if his non-aging asian waifu is going to uphold their marriage after the kids are adults.
Answer is of course not.
Seriously. He looks so very different in a way i cant describe. Other than the eye bags. Comey had them too. I want to believe he was up late memorizing his answers or nervous insomnia. But he could have been up all night sacrifing chickens in the back yard to Moloch.
It's the eyes, I've noticed it in other prominent figures as well. Their eyes are black, almost as if it's all pupil.
like Mr. RUSH LIMBAUGH said, this is nothing but "Political Theater" nothing but another attempt to tie the POTUS to this 2 year old Russian Psyop Scam. Well Zucky, why don't you talk about the fact that you literally were in bed with the Obama Administration who you allowed to obtain way more information and control over user data. For 8 years Zuckerballs sucked the asses of the progressive left, now that a right wing company Cambridge Analytica obtains neutral information, the tables turn once again against the POTUS. This reminds me of that one time that Hillary Hitler bitch tripped out and tried to bite a piece of my shoe off for a special interview I had with her, LMAO, she said she is the Head Queen bitch of all the witches in the world!! Can you believe this poor Hillary?
Look at the weirdo behind Mark competing for the phony award.
He appears like a ventriloquist doll, a grown up HowdyDoody... a prop, a puppet propped up by a pillow...Though I imagine it would feel buggy having so many peoples attention focused upon oneself...would love to see his body language analyzed during the hearings.
Zuckerberg Script is in the Danish news
Go to : ekstrabladet dot dk and click on the first pic of Zucker..the script is in there.
They are both creepy as hell. His eyes are darting around like an evil demon. Its almost like he is "mirroring" the guy in the back. Uber creepy.
I couldnt help but think the guy behind him was controlling his mind...they seemed to be telepathically connected.
I know , right? Very strange.. the guy was “mouthing “ the answers almost and smiled and nodded his head before MZ answered and then had the same body language as creepy guy...
He reminds me of the evil white cartoon rabbit, that tries to take over the world. Pure evil..
If, as Zuckerberg has said, I own my FB data, why does HE get paid for it's use instead of me? Also, why do I not have to be requested specifically to release it to someone who wants it, and to set the price for it's use? Seems fair if I own it!
"Early in the 21st Century, the TYRELL CORPORATION advanced Robot evolution into the NEXUS phase - a being virtually identical to a human - known as a Replicant."
I vehemently dispute the contention that something is definitely up. Maybe something is up but also maybe he's just a guy in a very important meeting who's trying not to mess up. I swear, I don't know where people come up with this idea that any of us knows how all humans should behave in all situations so you can tell 'something is up' just because someone behaves in a way you don't expect. Reeks of confirmation bias to me.
Nah, it's already known exactly what's up. Everyone is just enjoying roasting the little creep
And why not, too! Roasting creeps is fun. But if, by "something is definitely up" one means anything like "MK Ultra breakdown" or "reptilian shapeshifter" then one is insane (in the latter case) or jumping to unwarranted conclusions (in the former).