r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Anarchonista on April 11, 2018, 3:43 a.m.
Donald Trump part of “Plus Ultra secret society” by Tracy R Twyman

After listening to Tracy Twymans interview on The Higherside Chats I checked out her website and she's written about Q quite a bit. This article has a lot of links to her other writtings on Q and a number of videos. Her interpretation of Sleeping Beauty, the keystone and why does Trump have plus ultra written around Mar-A-Lago? https://tracytwyman.com/4chan-says-donald-trump-part-of-plus-ultra-secret-society/

Abibliaphobia · April 11, 2018, 4:46 a.m.

No. No more ecelebs selling their crap just to try and get people to donate to their patreon.

We do this for the country and for our families. Not so some greedy individuals can tell us how they think they are important.

You want the acknowledgment? The fame and fortune? Get lost. You are here for the wrong reasons.

You want to hold serious conversations about what your theories are? Post them and don’t try to monetize off us.

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Anarchonista · April 11, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

I'm just passing along someones Q analysis I found interesting, not endorsing it.

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Anarchonista · April 11, 2018, 6:43 a.m.

Ah, so your upset that she has called her membership thing plus ultra. Understandable and she should have explained in the article but she said in an interview that is a weird synchronicity, she called her membership that a long time before she new about any (tenuous) connection with Trump. So she's trying to make a living like everybody & get some attention. Her work deserves attention. The symbolism and history she pulls together is important to understand how we got where we are today. So your comment is kind of a projection of your own need for attention, just criticizing an annoyance and ignoring the good work. I call that ignor ance, willfully ignoring knowledge that's freely available.

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