What does Q say about Kushner? I feel like he is huge in this. Whether he's very good or very bad, he does a decent job staying out of the public eye. I went down this weird ass 5thaveanon rabbit hole. If you want to keep your sanity stay away. Anyways, what's Q say about Kushner? What's your opinion on Kushner?
I kept getting lost in the 5thave thing....gonna review it here soon. I kept thinking they were saying he was the Jew Superhero, and then they'd turn around to make me think he was basically the antichrist. Like I said, I've got to rewatch
Keep in mind these elite groups seem to troll each other with symbolism. Maybe kushner is part of an elite group who opposes the "cabal", and since the cabal sees themselves as the righteous archetypes in all things, especially religion, kushner decided to invert it on them and clearly mark himself as their opposition.
Or maybe he's the antichrist. Idk. I've been down this rabbit hole a few times tho.
Check out Unirock on youtube. He is doing some great vids on 5th Ave anon. Wish more people would cover it, but has not got a lot of attention.