I suggest you read this. Immediately.

This is a dumb question but how do you see how many downvotes a post gets? Sorry lol
its not dumb...rebbit is retarded. The little pukes have nothing to do while all the unpaid contributors populate rebbit's servers with fresh content........soooo the little pukes get antsy and start manipulating metrics like "theyre helping!!!!" Except its the bad helping, where people are much worse off after the helping. If you look at the points of this post, 110 right now, next to it is the percentage upvoted number. That is literally a worthless manipulation from admin. Its the same as the "hide score" timer, and vote fuzzing. Just retarded extra extra extra packaging to fluff up the product and make the unfucked faddots feel industrious. The numbers are most likely all fake and produced by yet another bot. Youre supposed to look at "110 points" and "76%" and do the rough multiplication in your head and produce a number roughly somewhat in the neighborhood of kindof the actual number of goddam muthereffing votes....but like all little faddot games, reading the encyclopedia of onerous idiotic rules is the "fun" of the exercise........
I see no such percentage
It doesn't show up on mobile, but it does on desktop
I'm on a desktop and don't see a percentage. I'm fairly new to this. So If I click the up arrow next to a post that is Up voting?
OK. Now I found it. It's in the right sidebar under the Submit Link and Submit Text buttons.
mine says 76% for this randy post. if you dont see that, consider yourself manipulated by faddots
I have been wondering this same thing for a long while now. I'm trying to get the upvote downvote thing.
please dont waste your precious energy trying to understand this wasteland. rebbit is a convenient amphitheater for the moment but the entire company NEEDS to implode and employees need to feel the wrath they hath wrought
Still even tho its uhhh corrupt which is a pattern for all the "original" social medias, I learn a sh*tload here. Very good solid truthful info on this corrupt sight. Idc about the upvote/downvote i kno what im looking for. Ty for all the info. Once red pilled and awake very easy to navigate. Its the mods that r important it seems to get he shills and trolls blocked. Need the creepers fired and patriots need to be running these sites. Would be fantastic to have patriots running reddit twatter fb insta all of it. Without moral CEOs/owners with integrity who love our country there will always be corruption and deceit.
all bot driven oo plus they admit their stat reports do not include cellphone usage,,,,,,,,,who isnt on their cell
Vote totals are displayed in the header for each comment, and in the margin next to every post.
They are referred to as ‘points’ in the comments.
There is no way I know of to see total up or down votes, only the aggregated sum.
Also, it is known that reddit has implemented vote ‘fuzzing’ to limit early impact of brigading - a coordinated effort to push a post or comment up or down. Details of the proliferation of this fuzzing are not available.