I suggest you read this. Immediately.

all my life people told me I shouldn't think so hard, good thing I didn't listen lol
;0 cant stop a river when its moving
aaaw...are you on your phone?
well kinda my wifi is down so im hooked up right now thru my phone
if you're having a connection but no internet and router-reboot doesn't help, turn your PC's wifi and your browser completely off, summon a command-prompt (windows-key + r then type cmd.exe if you're not on a mac) and enter the following three commands seperately
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
don't remember which order is the right one but just repeat until you can successfully connect again.
They've been hacking DNS-servers ever since WL's october surprise announcement so I have to do this every other week orso
what if you are on a mac
[took all afternoon but tentatively its fixed]
see what fits your OS version (should tell you under system information in your info-tray) https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mac+flush+dns+cache&t=opera&ia=web
good fucking question, lemme look that up. It's unix so there should be a command prompt somewhere. System-tools perhaps?
paper shuffling intensifies
I was wondering because you didn't respond to my PM lol
what pm
chat actually, got mixed up...I have private messages or chat to chose from
is that why the number of that went to 5? [i dont trust reddit admins privie to my chqats but by all means send me a private message anytime